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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 571

The crisp sound of wind chimes rang outside as the two of them looked each other in the eye. With her lips slightly curled upward, Heather gazed at Matthias and replied, “Alright, we’ll do as you say then.”

She didn’t want to argue any further since he was confident. After all, it seemed that he had long prepared his countermeasure.

A smiling Matthias gently nodded. “Since you have assented to it, Miss Langston, then it’s decided for the time being. I’ll make the necessary amendments and decide on it later on.”

Looking at his triumphant smile, Heather had the urge to throw a pot of tea at his face. He had insisted on ‘discussing’ the collaboration with her, but in fact, he was forcing her to agree to it.

Obviously, he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Suddenly, she recalled an evaluation of him given by someone in the industry. The person had said that Matthias was indeed a wolf inside out.

After all, business was still business. He didn’t go easy on Heather at all and it seemed that he had everything planned beforehand.

Well, she could only blame herself for lowering her guard because of his abnormal behavior these days. How could she forget that he was the CEO of Locke Group? Of course, he would prioritize his company’s interests over anything else!

Heather was utterly annoyed at this moment. After maintaining a low profile for so long, Matthias finally revealed his cards on the table and she was completely defeated this time. Every time she dealt with him, there was not once she would gain the upper hand in the situation. Without fail, he would always cause her to have her guard lowered.

Rejecting the idea of having her elated mood ruined, she could only accept the outcome for the time being. Perhaps she would be able to come up with an idea to turn the tables around within the next few days. “Since we’re done talking about business…”

Without waiting for Heather to finish with her words, Matthias interrupted, “Let’s talk about personal matters then.”

Upon hearing that, she glanced at him with a complicated smile as she asked, “What is there to talk about?” In fact, she was not in the mood to discuss personal matters with him.

“Anything. I don’t want our relationship to be affected by business matters.” He was worried that she would blame him for not showing any mercy at work this time.

“I certainly wouldn’t confuse business matters with personal affairs. As for us, I don’t think we have any relationship that’s worth mentioning.” Heather was still attacking Matthias with her words. The fact that she had lost to him on business affairs resulted in her refusal to be easy with him on personal matters.

How could a woman possibly make a clear distinction between public and private matters? Capturing a faint hint of disappointment flashing across his face, Heather could feel a pang of slight guilt in her heart. It was as if she shouldn’t have treated him like this.

“Heather, don’t you care about our feelings and relationship at all?” Matthias asked as his heart throbbed in pain. To him, when he was in love with someone, he couldn’t wait to be together with her and spend the rest of their lives together.

She tried to see through him, yet he had his walls erected so high that it prevented her from thoroughly reading his mind. Sometimes she felt that they were meant for each other, but there were times when she had the feeling that they would end up arguing a lot as a couple with no end to the ‘war’ between them.

“Why are you so eager to know the answer? Shouldn’t we let our feelings come naturally? Don’t ever ask this kind of question anymore because I don’t like the feeling of being pressured.” A helpless Heather didn’t know how many times she needed to repeat herself so that Matthias would allow their relationship to slowly progress.

She had always openly rejected him in the past, but now, she was willing to give him a chance. Yet, he was still pushing his luck further and expecting more from her.

“We should indeed let our feelings come naturally, but we should also fight for it at the right time.” Matthias had his own set of theories. He believed that he should take the initiative to fight for something that he wanted and it was all thanks to his perseverance and tireless efforts that he was able to improve his relationship with Heather.

“Have some tea.” Heather elegantly poured a cup of tea for Matthias. His dominating aura was making it difficult for her to breathe.

As much as his tone was gentle and he had a warm smile, the words that came out of his mouth sounded rather aggressive. It was like he didn’t allow her to have any space for consideration.

As soon as he gulped the tea, the taste of bitterness filled the inside of his mouth. However, his expression remained unchanged. She faintly glanced at him from the corner of her eye as she knew he didn’t like bitter tea, which was why she had ordered a pot of it.

More often than not, Heather was always coming up with ways to make things difficult for Matthias. It was as if she wanted him to experience countless obstacles before giving him the answer that he needed. As a matter of fact, she was an extremely insecure person.

After having her sense of security held tightly in her hand, she claimed that she could be self-sufficient in making herself feel secure. However, it was people like that who often felt insecure toward others. Distrust was the norm for them.

Perhaps the only way to prove that they were truly in love was through the torture that they were subjecting the other party to. Someone once sang that the presence of a problem could strengthen a couple’s relationship. What kind of extreme romance could that be?

“I understand the reason behind your stubbornness.” Matthias gave a bitter smile. Nevertheless, the weather was inappropriate for them to be sentimental. Rather, they should seize this opportunity to take a walk outside and breathe in some fresh air instead.

“We’re just friends now, okay? Just friends,” Heather assured with a solemn expression. It was already a good start that she was willing to be friends with Matthias.

To her, she still needed some time before she could allow their relationship to move to another level. Before everything was settled, she would not easily allow herself to decide on her feelings.

The conflicts between the Lockes, the Langstons, the Harts, and the Moriartys were already a pain in the neck for Heather. How could she be in the mood to have a romantic relationship when she had to take care of such a mess on a daily basis?


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