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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 612

The kitchen was in total chaos—Heather was busy cooking while Leon washed the ingredients at one side. They didn’t have any fresh fruits and vegetables, so Heather eventually solved the embarrassing problem by placing an online delivery. Indeed, everything was easier with the use of smartphones these days.

“You weren’t like this when you used to cook, Heather. Why does it seem like you can’t do anything well today?” Damn it, why is Leon being so honest with his words? Heather was already nervous and jittery at the moment, and she almost exploded in anger upon hearing Leon’s frank remark.

“Shut up! Have you finished washing the ingredients?” Heather glared at Leon. Perhaps he shouldn’t have let her cook personally; they could’ve ordered takeout!

“Is there something you’re not telling me, Heather?” Just then, Leon leaned in close to her daringly, but he failed to notice the woman’s darkening expression as he did so.

How could Leon still have the audacity to make such an outrageous comment in front of her? Heather decided that she could no longer be so lenient to him, for she didn’t want him to become too bold.

“Be careful of what you say, Leon,” Heather warned him coldly as she held the chopping knife in her hand—clearly, she wasn’t kidding with her words.

Leon, who was still fooling around a moment earlier, went stiff with fright. He swallowed his laughter, for Heather’s deadly glare was too terrifying to watch. As a result, he returned Heather’s stare with a pleading look in his eyes as he tried to think of a way to soothe the tense atmosphere.

He hadn’t expected a simple meal to become so difficult to handle. As Leon rubbed his temples, the water on his fingers wetted his hair slightly.

“Why don’t we order some takeout if you don’t feel like cooking today, Heather?” Leon turned toward her slowly and warily, afraid of accidentally offending her again.

“No way,” Heather rejected him immediately. “Weren’t you begging me to cook for you?”

Leon nodded, but he felt quite dreadful inside. “The food’s burning, Heather.”

With that, he pointed toward the pan next to her. Heather had been so immersed in teaching Leon a lesson that she’d forgotten to stir fry the vegetables.

“Let’s start over.” Heather turned off the heat and tossed the vegetables straight into the trash can. Her gesture was swift and well-practiced, making it seem as though it was something she often did.

“All right.” Leon didn’t have the courage to argue. At this rate, they would have to skip lunch and go straight to dinner if they continued on like this.

In the end, the meal was finally ready after two long hours of preparation. Heather didn’t think it’d take this long either as she told Leon to bring the dishes to the dining table. Meanwhile, she stayed behind as the soup was still cooking on the stove. While she stared at the bubbling liquid in the pot, her mind got lost in a daydream.

Truthfully, Heather felt a little bored staying in a secluded area like this; Leon had always been an outgoing person, so she wasn’t sure how he was able to cope with being cooped up here as well.

She had also found out about the prices for the villas around the area. Since they were pretty overpriced, the occupancy rate was low. For that reason, it was no wonder that the area was so lifeless and quiet. After their meal, Heather and Leon went to the balcony.

The balcony had a European style layout as well, and there was an eye-catching recliner armchair which Heather occupied ahead of him. Hence, Leon reluctantly headed to the sofa by the side—it would’ve been nice to enjoy the sun in the recliner armchair.

“You’re so mean to me, Heather,” Leon grumbled in dissatisfaction. All of a sudden, his head started spinning as soon as he remembered the unwashed dishes in the sink.

Heather was only willing to cook; she had left the cleaning and tidying to Leon, yet she even took away his chance of resting in the comfortable recliner armchair.

“Why did you decide on this place?” Heather peered into the distance. However, there wasn’t much of a view to look at since the balcony was located too close to the ground.

“Sometimes, you just can’t explain it when it comes to love; I knew this was it the moment I laid my eyes on it.” Leon looked around his own villa. He loved it here, but he couldn’t explain why.

“It’s not like you’re looking for a soulmate.” Heather changed her position in her seat; it was rare for her to be so candid in front of others. After all, lounging against an armchair wasn’t an elegant position in her eyes.

“Tell me about Matthias, Heather.” Leon was in the mood to gossip. In fact, he had been wanting to ask about that for a long time, but Heather was always quick to avoid the topic. Hence, he could only go straight to the point this time.

“There’s nothing much to talk about. There isn’t anything interesting between us.” Heather felt no need to bring up their old disputes and rivalry from the past.

“I can see that Matthias is the reason you’ve changed,” Leon suddenly said with an oddly determined tone.

“Yes, partly.” Heather didn’t deny it, and she was rather open-minded with her response.

“I didn’t think you’d admit it so easily.” Leon was quite surprised. He’d thought Heather would brush him off with an excuse, but it seemed like she was planning to openly announce her relationship with Matthias.

“When you like someone, it’s only natural for you to change.” Meanwhile, Heather unhesitantly admitted that she did have feelings for Matthias.

Leon was astonished to hear such words from the latter’s mouth. At that moment, he felt a little unhappy inside. Sure enough, Leon had spent so much time and effort on her back then, but Matthias easily took the win from him.

“Have you really fallen in love with him?” In the end, Leon couldn’t help but ask her.

“Yeah, isn’t this what you wanted?” Leon used to actively create opportunities for the two of them to interact, so shouldn’t he be happy with such an outcome?

“Yeah, I just didn’t think it’d happen so quickly.” Leon assumed that Matthias still had a long way to go before he could pursue her. I guess love is a mystery after all.

“Sometimes, you just can’t explain it when it comes to love. Perhaps I knew he was the one the moment I laid eyes on him.” Heather adopted Leon’s words from a moment ago, and he turned to her in dissatisfaction. Discontent filled his chest.


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