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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 65

She called him a jerk non-stop. She herself was clear that it was merely a kiss, so though she was mad, it couldn’t have made her feel so awful. The reason she was so upset right now was because of the man who had never cared about her.

Suddenly, she felt that her body was taken into an embrace and she could hear a quiet sigh by her ear, making her freeze again.

However, this time, Tony did not do anything to her.

Myra sobbed even louder in his arms. At that moment, she petulantly did not want to push away the shoulder that came to her and at the same time, she had no strength to push away the slightly warm chest as well.

It was dark outside. The woman wept non-stop in his embrace, while he looked at the street that was bustled with pedestrians and cars outside, his gaze deep. Impassive, he remained in the same position for a long time and nobody could tell what he had on his mind.

When Myra finally regained her consciousness, the car had already been parked at a pathway not far from the Chase Residence for quite some time.

The dim street lights outside shone into the car, yet it was still pitch-black inside.

Nevertheless, she was able to clearly see the man sitting in the driver seat.

Currently, he was holding a cigarette between his index and middle finger of his left hand while placing his arm on the car window. The street light outside the window shone into the car but half of his face was still hidden in the shadows; his expression was complex and unfathomable amidst the lingering smoke.

Tony seemed to notice that she had woken up, so he turned to her while casually throwing the cigarette butt away. His pair of cold eyes contained traces of gentleness as they glanced at her calmly. “You’re awake.”

Myra moved her body and felt that she had finally regained some strength. Heaving a sigh of relief, she sat up, only to find a black suit falling from her back.

She looked blankly at the suit without saying a word. Myra had a severe headache, her nose was stuffy and in fact, every single part of her body was screaming in pain. Now, she slowly calmed down after crying her eyes out and venting her emotions.

With her head raised, she silently peered at Tony, who had unconcealable gentleness in his eyes. They reminded her of the slightly intimate yet ambiguous atmosphere and feelings between them before this—he had been affectionate toward her, he completely believed her when she said that it wasn’t her intention to be absent from the meeting with the Hart Group, the half-true misunderstanding between them in the hotel during their business trip, his intention toward her that he had been revealing with time, as well as when he stood up for her without anything in return when she was accused of plagiarizing the design draft, and more importantly, the photo that he used to clear her of suspicion!

As she was too flustered and anxious at that time, she did not think thoroughly about that photo.

It was only after the incident that she finally realized that a photo taken from that angle and distance could only have been captured in secret, or else she would have known about its existence. However, if it had indeed been taken in secret, why would he have done so if he had no ulterior intentions?

Not to mention what Tony said and did on the day when she had a meal with those from the Hart Group.

“Director Hart, are you planning to have an affair with me?” Myra knew about the survival rules in those large firms but she had always thought that Tony was different from other men, so she had been unwilling to make any assumptions about him. Nevertheless, it turned out that no matter how noble a man was, he still couldn’t be exempted from conventions.

Seeing that she seemed calm and had stopped rejecting him, he knew that it was time to be truthful to her, especially after he had heard her words. His gaze was warm, yet his words sounded cryptic. “If possible, I would like to change the word you used.”

Myra was stunned but she then calmly stated, “Director Hart, I remember telling you that I am a married woman. Don’t you care?”

“Why should I care?” Tony raised his eyebrows.


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