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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 698

Ether contained her anxiety and muttered, “Matthias.”

Matthias heard a woman calling for him in a confused state. He couldn’t tell who it was, yet he hoped it was Heather. For some reason, he still had some sense of rationality despite being intoxicated. In fact, he had a feeling that the person calling his name wasn’t the woman he loved. After all, Matthias still remembered that Heather was currently at the hospital. He desperately wanted to visit her, but he had no courage to do so.

After fumbling around for a bit, Ether eventually got to Matthias. In the dark room, she felt the need to take the initiative this time to do what she once desired to.

When Matthias previously walked away from her, she thought that was the end for the both of them. From then on, she regretted being a coward and for not taking the opportunity when they were both alone.

“It’s me, Ether.” Nonetheless, she couldn’t bring herself to lie since she was Ether and not Heather. At that moment, she was truly envious of that woman—she had Matthias’ unconditional love, after all.

“Heather? Is that you?” he asked, not having an ‘Ether’ in his mind. He only knew and loved Heather.

“Yes. I’ve come to see you,” she answered calmly. Since Evan had not provided her with much information on Heather, she didn’t know how to pose as the other woman.

“It’s too dark in here. I can’t see you.” Despite trying his best to look for Heather, Matthias couldn’t see anything even though he was eager to catch sight of the woman’s face.

“I can see you.” Now that she finally stood face-to-face with him, Ether simply peered at him as she longed for his attention.

Matthias opened his eyes wide, but it didn’t help much in terms of sight. It was pitch-black in front of him, and he couldn’t even feel the warmth of the person there.

Meanwhile, Ether timidly extended her hand to touch him. However, she couldn’t help but wonder if she was being too greedy by hoping to initiate some skinship with him.

Suddenly, a pair of warm hands placed themselves on Matthias’ arms. He felt that something wasn’t right, for Heather’s palms were just like her personality—freezing cold.

“It’s me, Heather.” Ether had no other choice but to deceive him, so she became the woman Matthias loved.

“Heather.” As if he had really seen her, he instantly went for a hug, pulling her firmly into his embrace. After resting his chin on her forehead, he smugly muttered, “This must be a dream, right? It’s so unreal to have you in my arms.”

At that moment, Ether was indulging in the cosiness of Matthias’ arms, and she had no intention of pulling away. She never expected Matthias’ passion for Heather to be so miserable and excruciating to this state. Nonetheless, she feared that she’d drown in his snuggle, so she unconsciously pushed him away and removed herself from his beguiling embrace. She continued to pose as Heather and painfully apologized, “I’m sorry for hurting you this bad.”

“Don’t apologize to me—I’m willing to go through hell for your sake. How could you ever doubt my feelings for you, though? I love you so much, but what did I do to deserve your suspicion? You’re even getting married to Leon.” Matthias spoke like a kid who had been wrongly punished. Since he needed another comforting hug, he shoved Ether against his chest once more.

When she heard that, she couldn’t help feeling unjust for Matthias. “I’m sorry, Matthias. I never realized the pain I’ve caused you.” He really loves this Heather, so why would she mistreat him this way?

From Ether’s perspective, Matthias was merely troubled by his one-sided romance. However, she had no idea about the complex experiences Heather and Matthias shared. Since she was clueless about what really happened between them, she was depressed after seeing the man’s state.

“I’m not scared of being hurt. I’m only scared that you’ll leave me,” he answered while hugging her so tightly. In fact, it was almost as though he wanted to engulf the woman into his body.

How he wished to be able to merge with Heather! If that was the case, she would never leave him. In truth, there were even times when he was desperate enough to feel jealous of the body parts that comprised Heather’s figure.

He was so desirous that he was willing to become a mole on her body—he could be her eyes, her ears, or even her nose. Above all, he longed to be something she would die without. Although he was extremely resistant to split up with her, he could no longer pursue her.

Despite reaching the point of no return with Heather, Matthias refused to put down his pride and beg for forgiveness. He never anticipated falling so deep in love that he had become so pathetic to crawl out of it. Even with every single cell of his brain, he couldn’t figure out what it was about himself that she loathed so much.

With Heather not revealing anything to him, he got frustrated trying to work out what was wrong with himself. Thinking that everything could be solved by talking, he couldn’t make out why she had to make things this difficult for him.

“Heather, if we were to start over, we wouldn’t be in such a mess, would we?” As he looked at Ether, he voiced a question he wished to know the answer to. In his mind, he was continuously contemplating if it was indeed his failing start with her that led to such turmoil. Meanwhile, he never once considered his family a factor to the ruin.

“We’re not in a mess, Matthias. I love you, and you love me. We’ll stay together for eternity,” Ether tenderly comforted the devastated Matthias.

“Together for eternity…” Matthias mumbled in dismay as he couldn’t believe that such words were coming from Heather herself. I must be dreaming… This is all a dream!

“Yes, I will love you forever until death do us part.” Since she had no experience in dating, Ether could only spit some cliche lines.

“I’ll love you forever too.” Matthias wanted to love her and spoil her for the rest of their lives.


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