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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 70

Sean glared coldly at that man, which then scared the man stiff. The next second, Sean had already left the bar with the unconscious woman in his arms.

Hurling her into the passenger seat, Sean regretted a little for coming over recklessly. Standing by the car door, he stared fixedly at the woman in front of him for quite a while before he pulled himself together and got into the driver’s seat reluctantly.

After the car had left, the door of a cafe next to the pub was pushed open, thereafter Myra’s pale face appeared.

It’s indeed Sean. I’ve not seen it wrongly from inside just now.

Myra had stayed at the cafe after convincing Estelle to leave. Sure enough, she ended up seeing Sean coming out from the bar while carrying Lyla in an intimate manner. Furthermore, she had not missed how Sean had stared at that woman in the car just now.

Indeed, I should quit this relationship, isn’t it?

Myra was gripping the cafe’s door frame so hard that her knuckles turned white.

After arriving at Fairhill Villa, Sean tossed the woman onto the bed. Thereafter, he pulled out his phone, which had been buzzing non-stop the whole day, from his pocket, and hesitated for a while before returning Eve’s call. However, just as the call was answered, Eve’s furious voice emerged from the other end of the line.

“Sean, why do you always take forever to pick up my call?!”

Exhausted, Sean rubbed his temples, but his voice still softened subconsciously when he talked to Eve. “Mom, I’ve been busy this whole day.”

“Why on earth are you so busy everyday? Don’t you know that Myra has moved out today?!”

Stunned, Sean tightened his grip on the phone subconsciously.

“She… moved out this morning?”

“Don’t assume I don’t know a thing just because you’re hiding it from me! I know the b*tch Lyla is back in Bradfort City. I’m warning you, Sean. If you dare to abandon Myra because of that b*tch, then don’t blame me for turning against you!”

Eve’s tone was fierce and vicious. True enough, women who had established their influence as the main mistress in a wealthy family usually had a firm hand.

Sean frowned while looking at the unconscious woman in front of him and closed his eyes. “Don’t misunderstand me, Mom. There’s nothing between Lyla and I. She had hurt me so deeply back then, so how would I abandon Myra because of her? I’ll be back soon.”

“You better mean it!” Eve was still breathing heavily as a result of anger. “Quickly coax Myra to come home! It’s so quiet at home now. I’m used to having her around me…”

After hanging up the call, Sean stared blankly at his phone as his mind went blank.

In fact, he was rather surprised to hear that Myra had moved out. All this while, he had thought that the woman’s tolerance toward him was infinite. It turns out she can actually get angry too.

“Sean… Sean…” All of a sudden, Sean’s mind was brought back to reality by soft sobs below him.

He lowered his head to see Lyla crying miserably in her dream. “Sean… I’ve missed you so much… Why are you not even sparing me a glance now that I’m back? I love you… I’ve always loved you… It has never changed… ”

For some reason, Sean felt distressed. Are you saying that you’ve always loved me? Then who’s the one who held another man’s hand back then, saying that she would never return to me and that I’m just a poor good-for-nothing?! Lyla Fisher, are you coming back to seduce me now because I’ve returned to power?


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