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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 703

The car sped along the highway. As it passed through a tunnel, Heather’s face appeared vaguely before Matthias’s eyes. Matthias hated such a hallucination, so he sped up the car and quickly passed through the tunnel. The lights inside made him feel very uncomfortable, and he felt sick as scenes about Heather kept popping up in his mind. He tried his best to shake off such a state of mind since there were many other things he needed to accomplish. Hence, he couldn’t be completely under Heather’s control since now wasn’t the right time to be wrapped up in a relationship.

There wasn’t much distance left between Matthias and Caliph Nightclub after he passed through the tunnel, and he tried his best to recognize the signs around him as Caliph Nightclub was hidden among them. As his car slowly drove in, he found the nightclub with his sharp eyes. Then, he parked his car in front of it with a half-smile. Who would’ve thought this was such a place by looking from the outside? The place looked ordinary, and it was a pretty good disguise.

He stopped his car and gracefully got out of it with his face devoid of expression. Then, he pushed open the door to the nightclub right away. The front desk receptionists were still the same people as before, and they recognized him because he had an outstanding air about him. With a face so stony that no one could guess what was on his mind, he told the front desk receptionists about the reason for his visit. However, they looked at him with troubled expressions because the request he made was against the rules.

“Tell your boss to come out and meet me.” Matthias could tell that they were in a difficult situation. Indeed, it was useless to talk to the small fries about such things. He didn’t like making things difficult for ordinary people, and he even often took care of their feelings. Sometimes, he felt he was incredibly gentle, yet he was unwilling to show such tenderness to profit-seeking businesspeople in the business world—he felt that he had a lasting hatred for the rich in his bones.

Since it was Matthias, the nightclub’s owner came out without any hesitation. Matthias looked at the owner and asked him, “Can we find somewhere quiet to discuss things?” He had always been well-mannered, and the owner naturally had no reason to turn him down when his features softened.

The owner then led Matthias to his private space; he lived at the nightclub most of the time because the place often had emergencies he needed to personally deal with. “Please have a seat, Director Locke.” The owner had a shy smile on his face.

Only then did Matthias get to see the owner’s face clearly. They merely came across each other last time, and only this time did Matthias find that the nightclub’s owner’s face showed signs of aging together with pure shyness similar to a high schooler’s. Such a discovery surprised him, for few middle-aged people could retain such shyness. What a strange person he is, he thought to himself. “Is Ether here?” he asked straightforwardly.

Meanwhile, the owner looked at Matthias in a troubled manner. “You probably don’t know this, but she’s already quit her job.”

No wonder the front desk receptionists had that look on their faces, Matthias thought to himself. It seemed like they were unaware of Ether’s resignation and merely thought that Ether wasn’t here today for some personal reasons. “She quit her job?” he asked in bafflement. Indeed, this answer caught him by surprise.

However, the owner was very surprised too, for he thought Ether quit her job so easily because she had become acquainted with Matthias. After all, he knew Ether’s family situation very well, and she needed this high-paying job. However, it seemed that he had misunderstood her.

As he looked at the strained expression on the owner’s face, Matthias asked again, “I need her address.” He believed the owner knew where she lived.

The latter looked at him; when he saw how serious Matthias appeared to be, he guessed what had happened between him and Ether. This was a profound mystery, but he readily gave Ether’s address to Matthias—the man had an aura about him that made him look commanding even though he didn’t look angry, so the owner didn’t dare to lie to him. Besides, he thought Matthias could even help her out.

Unlike other owners who bore no conscience, this nightclub owner still maintained his morals. Matthias discovered this after several rounds of conversation, though he wasn’t interested to know too much about the story behind it. He gave the owner a nod and said politely, “Thank you.” Naturally, it gave people a sense of kindness.

The owner smiled a smile of gratification as he watched Matthias leave this small space of a few square meters. Perhaps because he was used to seeing those garishly and frivolously dressed dandies, he couldn’t help feeling a little excited at the sight of an exception like Matthias.

Meanwhile, Matthias looked at the small note in his hand with Ether’s address written on it. As he stood in front of the car, he hesitated for a bit. He had gone beyond reason by suddenly rushing to the clubhouse, so he thought he must have gone crazy since he wanted to go to Ether’s house as well. Upon thinking of her resignation, he had to connect it with himself. Would Ether have quit her job so quickly if it weren’t for him?

He then looked at the envelope he was holding, which was some form of compensation that the owner wanted to give Ether. In other words, the owner entrusted him with the task of delivering this to Ether during his visit. It seems like I already have a reason to go to Ether’s house, he thought to himself with a relieved expression. In reality, he could easily find out Ether’s bank account number and transfer the money to her directly by remittance. In an instant, a reason that necessitated the visit became far-fetched.

Matthias got into his car as he was considering this. He wasn’t prepared to actually meet Ether, not to mention that Ether hadn’t prepared herself for this either. Such a scene had been portrayed too many times in novels and TV dramas, but Matthias didn’t think he was the prince who fell in love with Cinderella. Therefore, his reasoning made him unable to start up his car and go to Ether’s house.

Still, he couldn’t throw away the note he was clutching in his hand, though he had tossed the envelope containing the money onto the passenger seat. Deep down inside, he was in an unusual dilemma. He slowly started up his car, and he had to be on the road no matter what choice he would make.

Meanwhile, Nikolai and Lara had stopped in a field in the countryside and were regretting that they didn’t drive a cross-country vehicle over. “The wilderness?” Nikolai asked while looking at Lara in bafflement. He didn’t expect Lara’s secret garden to look like this.


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