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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 714

In the end, Leon nodded solemnly. “I understand that.” The word ‘understand’ almost broke his heart. He thought he could give Heather his best wishes in an easygoing manner, but it seemed like he was unable to do so since he still had wishful ideas. “I’ve looked into Matthias for you, Heather.” In reality, he had already begun investigating Matthias when he met the latter, for he didn’t allow anyone to approach Heather purposefully.

She was a little surprised by this, but what Leon said was understandable. Then, she looked at him before turning her gaze to somewhere else. “Zayne has looked into Matthias as well.” Sometimes, Heather considered herself lucky that the men protecting her were all exceptional—they’d entrust her to someone else as long as they could see that she was happy.

“Matthias has really fallen in love with you, and he had no ulterior motives when he approached you. Perhaps he hesitated because he didn’t know if he should go against his entire family for your sake.” Leon felt as though he was being possessed by Matthias. At this moment, he took on the latter’s role as he harbored an unspeakable love for the woman.

“Going against his entire family for my sake?” Heather hadn’t heard Zayne mentioning this, so she suspected that this was merely Leon’s wild guess.

“This is just my guess, for Matthias has been doing things that are against his family’s interests these days.” Leon didn’t dare to affirm that his guess was right, but he could put himself in Matthias’ shoes. If Leon had the real power to control his family, he would probably choose to destroy this perverted family as well.

“How is that possible?” Heather knew that Matthias was a successful businessman who would do anything for profit, but she couldn’t believe that he wanted to destroy his family.

“Perhaps Matthias already had this idea a long time ago, and he became more certain of it after falling in love with you,” Leon commented from Matthias’ perspective.

“Why would he want to destroy his family? Matthias will have nothing to his name if he destroys the Locke Group.” Nonetheless, Heather couldn’t understand how he felt. She didn’t like her family either, but it never crossed her mind to destroy them at all.

“Heather, not everyone protects their family like you and Tony do. For some, their hatred toward their family members is already deep in their bones. In my eyes, my family is a concentration camp of perverts too, and I’d definitely destroy them if I could.” Leon admired Matthias very much for this, for the latter must have sacrificed a lot to climb to his current position in that kind of family.

“This is only your guess. We have no idea what Matthias truly thinks, though.” Heather could sense Matthias’ attachment to the Locke Group, so she didn’t believe that he would destroy the company. Needless to say, she found this really hard to accept.

“Time will prove everything, Heather.” Leon flashed a charming smile against the backdrop of fire.

Before their conversation ended, they heard several fire engine sirens. Not long after that, police car sirens could be heard as well. What a crazy world this is, Heather and Leon thought to themselves as they stood up and put their love affairs aside first.

They then retreated to a safe zone under the police’s guidance while the fire brigade and the police bustled about. They seemed unusually calm and collected, completely unlike people who just experienced such a horrifying incident. Now that the police had arrived, it was no longer necessary for them to continue staying at the scene. Therefore, they were taken to the police station before those reporters swarmed crazily to the place.

As they sat beside each other in the police station, Heather and Leon were unsmiling as they gave off a powerful aura. Meanwhile, the police department arranged for a young and beautiful policewoman to record their testimony. With her smart-looking short hair, the policewoman was brimming with cheeriness, and Leon held back his usual casual attitude without flirting with her this time.

“Please describe in detail the process of how the explosion happened back then,” the policewoman said in an authoritative manner.

Heather’s eyes fell on the policewoman. There was a sense of decadent beauty about her, and her fair and flawless face gave a sense of holiness. “We were going down the mountain back then when I found my car using my cell phone’s positioning system. Someone had covered the car with branches, and Leon was about to move forward and remove the branches when I sensed danger and stopped him. After that, I pulled him back to a safe area and threw a stone at the car. A minute later, the car suddenly exploded.” She gave a simple explanation of how the explosion happened.

The policewoman looked doubtful, though. She then asked in puzzlement, “Someone covered the car with branches? Why would such a strange thing happen?”

“Our car was stuck in a pit on our way here. I made a phone call to have someone deal with it, telling them to tow the car out of the pit and park it somewhere conspicuous,” Heather answered while taking out her cell phone and finding the phone number she had previously dialed. “It’s this phone number. I’d suggest that you guys investigate this case by following this trail,” she added calmly like a detective.

The policewoman was slightly displeased by Heather’s tone of voice. “Please describe in detail what happened to you two today,” she ordered while trying her best to sound polite.

Since she didn’t want to continue speaking, Heather shot a glance at Leon and signaled for him to tell the policewoman the whole story.

The latter took Heather’s hint readily and smiled at the policewoman, causing her heart to flutter as she had never seen such a handsome man all her life. “The story begins in the morning. We set out from Spring Willow Hotel to Plymbiens Hill by car at 9.00AM, but it got stuck in a pit near the hill and could no longer move forward. As a result, Heather called for someone to come over and deal with this, whereas we entered the hill on foot. On our way back, she found the car using her cell phone’s positioning system, but someone covered it with branches as simple camouflage. At the time, we guessed this was done because the person feared that the car might be stolen. Heather has told the rest of the story very clearly, so I don’t have to repeat it,” he explained briefly since both he and Heather thought it wasn’t necessary to tell the police every single detail.

“What’s your purpose for going to Plymbiens Hill?” The policewoman continued to question them as the story still sounded puzzling to her. As far as she knew, few people would ever go there.

Just then, Heather interjected all of a sudden and said, “We went there to look for the famous Dr. Turner.” She knew that he was unwilling to leave his log cabin. In that case, she would have the police ask him out instead.

Leon turned to look at Heather. After they exchanged a few glances, he immediately realized what she was trying to do.


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