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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 725

Right now, Heather somewhat regretted her phrasing. Indeed, the word ‘Incompatible’ had been a little overkill, and it was getting thrown back in her face right now.

Jason stood silently by the side like he was invisible, whereas Heather and Zayne just ignored his existence. Although he heard their conversation, he was a little confused about the relationships between everyone involved. One moment they would be talking about Leon, and one moment they would be talking about Matthias; it seemed that those two had ties with Heather.

“I won’t get help from him. If you won’t help, then fine,” Heather said those harsh words quietly.

Zayne took in Heather’s child-like face. Sometimes, he wondered if Heather’s maturity was a misconception instead, for her current stubbornness was just like a rebellious child’s.

“I’ll arrange a place for you to stay. Remember not to go out often.” In the end, Zayne couldn’t ignore her, and he couldn’t leave her alone without helping.

“Thanks, Zayne. I knew that you wouldn’t stand around without giving me a hand.” Heather revealed a cheerful smile. The way she handled Zayne sometimes resembled a child trying to get their way with their parents.

However, the man had to admit that she was right. Now that things had come to this, he would treat this as the price for his crush on Heather. He was well acquainted with Bradfort City now, and he knew which places were suited to become hideouts.

Arranging a place for Heather to stay was a quick and easy task. This time, he decided to rent a place for her instead. Someone like Heather couldn’t stand to sit around twiddling her thumbs, so Zayne decided to find a villa or single-family home for her.

He immediately thought of a good spot. “There’s a bunch of villas by West Avenue, and it’s rather secluded since people don’t usually go there. Of course, there’s nowhere else for you to go from there either.”

“Are you saying that you’re going to buy a villa for me?” Heather wondered whether it would be more realistic to just wait until tomorrow since she had hit her spending limit today. Besides, 10 million didn’t seem to be enough to buy a villa. It looked like she had to adjust her spending limits again.

“You’re dreaming—there’s no need to buy a villa.” Zayne couldn’t stop himself from taking a jab at Heather. Why was buying something the only thing on a woman’s mind?

“You’re going to rent me one?” When she realized that she would be staying alone at a villa, it seemed kind of boring even though it would be great to have so much space to herself.

However, Heather didn’t quite want to be alone right now, especially when she had just stayed on a secluded mountain by herself for some time. She looked at Zayne and wondered if she should invite him to stay with her too.

“Yeah, I’ll get someone to handle everything for you.” He knew some people who worked in real estate.

“Why don’t we all stay together? The villa would be huge enough.” Heather extended an invitation to him.

Meanwhile, the latter eyed Heather oddly. She didn’t seem like that sort of person, so when did her personality change?

Before Zayne could answer, Jason had already cut in. “Sure.”

Zayne looked at Jason in a displeased manner. He had been the one who refused to take Heather in, but now, he was the one agreeing to stay with her in the new villa.

“All right, that’s settled then.” Heather didn’t give Zayne a chance to refuse as she sealed the deal, an innocent smile still hanging from her lips.

“Hey, what do you mean by that?” Zayne hadn’t answered her. Since when did he agree with her idea?

“Hurry up and rent me that villa, or else I’m going to be sleeping on the streets tonight,” Heather said in all seriousness.

“If there’s one thing that Bradfort City has an excess of, it’s hotels. You won’t be sleeping on the streets,” Zayne rebutted her. Why was she pretending to be pitiful at this time?

“As a single woman, hotels aren’t exactly a good option,” Heather said while giggling. Lately, he felt that Heather had been acting a lot like a delinquent, and this was giving him a headache.

Zayne didn’t want to continue talking to Heather, so he merely glanced at Jason. Needless to say, he was exasperated; since things had already been decided, he didn’t have any right to complain.

Initially, Zayne had planned on renting a smaller house that was on the plain side for Heather, but now that the three of them were going to stay together, it would be better to find a place with more rooms.

By then, the sky had already darkened since twilight always descended early during winter. Zayne and Heather sat in the back of the car, whereas Jason took the wheel as usual. With that, they began to move elsewhere. The trunk was filled with their belongings, for they heard that the house was completely bare and empty. They probably would have to buy plenty of things for the move, but considering the situation, even making purchases was a difficult task. Fortunately, Zayne knew people from all walks of life, and he got someone to deliver a few sets of bedding to the housing neighborhood’s office.

Zayne didn’t want to leave a trail behind, so after some thought, he decided that it would be safer to have everything delivered to the security office instead. Meanwhile, Jason could retrieve the items later since he was an unfamiliar face. Many people in Bradfort City knew Heather, and plenty of people could also pick Zayne out of a crowd as well. However, not a lot of people knew Jason, and he wouldn’t be easily recognized since he was a killer.

By the time they reached the house, it was already 7.00PM. Jason immediately made a beeline for the security office the moment he parked the car, so Heather and Zayne were the only ones left inside the house. They stared at each other, neither of them intending to make a move first.

Luckily for them, the place had already gotten a cleaning before they arrived, but it was in no shape for people to live in. Jason had been the one to help transport the items in the car’s trunk, so until he came back from the security office with the bedding, they couldn’t do much.


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