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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 734

At that moment, any further exchange would simply be pointless. The day had barely started, yet it was already so disastrous. The next hours would be even more so.

The more Zayne wanted her to admit it, the more resistant she was to do so. With a stiff face, she responded, “It’s his personal affairs. Why should I care?”

When he heard her bold words, Zayne had a hard time holding back his laugh, for he was astounded by how persistent she was. Heather was so reluctant to admit it, so he didn’t want to pursue the matter any further. Since she felt that way, he shall have it her way.

“What’s your plan today?” As he went off on a tangent, Zayne started to chatter casually. Heather felt that there had to be an underlying meaning behind his words, so she shot him a deadly glare.

On the other hand, Zayne stared at her calmly, and he thought her petite look was extremely adorable. She must be dwelling on nonsense again!

“Other than locking myself in here, what else can I possibly plan for? I literally can’t do anything,” she helplessly expressed.

At that, he simply snickered without a word. What a headstrong woman! Seeing how vicious and tenacious she was, he couldn’t help feeling pity for Matthias.

Matthias must have stepped on dung to have fallen for Heather! Zayne had long realized that one would require a strong heart and mind to be together with her.

“Haven’t you considered visiting the Locke Group?” He voiced the suggestive question with a devilish smirk.

Heather was annoyed by this, and she glowered at him coldly before turning around. Meanwhile, Zayne pitiably gawked at her back. That’s not cute at all!

“Are you going to join in on the fun, Zayne?” As if she had come to a realization, she then leered at him, having an intuition that he would put himself out there.

“I wouldn’t miss it for anything,” he said confidently. One thing he loved was to discover traces of clues among a distracted crowd.

However, Heather didn’t take the bait and blandly replied, “Enjoy while you’re at it, then. It’s not like I care.”

Since she had intended to conceal herself, she decided not to show up in the public’s eye. As for Zayne, whatever he would do to get himself killed was his own business.

“In that case, you’d be home alone,” he responded with a cunning smile.

Given how inseparable he and Jason were, Heather had already accepted her fate. As of now, the danger was already over for her, but that wasn’t the case for Zayne.

“Take care of the house, all right? I’ll bring first-hand information with me when I get home,” he uttered as he patted her shoulder with a face that was growing more sly by the second.

“I don’t care,” she countered with a ferocious couple of words.

“I have no idea what you’re interested in, honestly,” he helplessly declared. Somehow, her arrogance was adorable yet detestable.

At that moment, he had the urge to pinch her little cheeks, wondering when she would eventually put down her pride. Although she voiced her indifference, her body language told it all. What an ironic combination!

“I’m interested in you,” she maliciously stated, utterly despising the man.

Despite that, he continued to grin. The longer he remained his smile, the more irritated she grew as she was considering whether to strangle the man before her.

Meanwhile, Jason stood at the side silently like an invisible man. Since she didn’t want to debate with Zayne any further, she glanced at Jason.

When he sensed her gaze, he pretended like he hadn’t seen anything. In fact, he deliberately turned his face away. As she looked at him frustratedly, she was dumbfounded by the similarity of the two brothers.

“You’re going to miss the show if you waste more time.” To avoid being made fun of, she wished that Zayne would leave as soon as possible.

“Look at her being all aggressive!” Zayne mocked comfortably. Since he had already planned his schedule, he was undisturbed as he intended to leave right before the most critical moment.

“I’m going upstairs.” The second floor was now her escape to avoid any more of his atrocious performances.

Jason was unable to bear the ridiculousness any longer, and he let out a deliberate cough that drew his brother’s attention.

“When are we leaving? We’re going to be late,” the former reminded.

After watching her leave decisively, he then turned to Jason. Since lingering any longer was meaningless, perhaps it was best that they depart now.

“Don’t drop your guard,” Jason was concerned about his brother’s mischievousness as he warned him.

“Don’t worry, I know my lines.” After he acknowledged Jason’s concern, Zayne felt rather pleased to see him getting more amicable.

All this time of bonding, Zayne could feel their brotherhood recovering. Although Jason was apathetic on the surface, his heart was no less warm than anyone.

Right when Heather got to the second floor, she heard the interaction going on in the living room. It seemed like they were finally going out. When she looked downstairs, the brothers were seen walking in line. How synergetic!

Sometimes, she would get jealous of their relationship. Despite Zayne’s venomous tongue and Jason’s emotionlessness, she acknowledged their fondness and concern toward each other. Moreover, instead of spitting empty words, the brothers would prove themselves with actions.

With that, she watched as the duo left and the door shut. Since there was nothing fascinating upstairs and she was never one to bear dullness, she contemplated if she should head downstairs. With a room so limited for any activities, she would surely suffocate!

Chapter 734 1


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