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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 8

On her way home, Myra received a call from a curious Tilly, who wanted to know how the meeting went.

She shared everything with Tilly and only left out the unnecessary details from the narrative.

After having heard the outcome, Tilly was overjoyed, but she did not hang up until Myra answered her questions on her dreamboat.

Perhaps Myra was elated because of the fact that a giant like Hart Group had acknowledged her design.

It was nearly ten in the evening when she arrived home that night, which meant that Eve was already fast asleep.

As she drove through the gates of the Chase Residence, she saw the black Lambhorgini parked inside. She killed her ignition and she could even hear the girlish moans and giggles that came from within the other car.

It was a familiar voice—in fact, it was none other than Elsie’s.

Myra’s elation from earlier was now abruptly replaced by a surge of resentment, causing a sense of cold to flow all over her body.

Her limbs were numb and weighted as she sat in her car. She felt that her heart was withering away.

She switched off the lights in her vehicle. While the car across from hers had its lights turned off as well, the garden lights above it illuminated the lovey-dovey scene that was taking place inside.

Myra watched as Elsie hastily wore her skirt and her jacket. She saw Elsie cast Sean a meaningful look before the two of them were tangled in each other’s arms as they passionately kissed inside the car. It was as though someone was rubbing a liberal amount of salt all over the open wound in Myra’s heart.

She was not sure how much time had passed, but it was long enough for her heart to be numb with pain. It was only then that he started to drive his car out of the gates—probably on his way to spend the rest of his night with Elsie.

Myra stumbled out of her car and she shuffled into the house like a walking corpse. She headed straight toward the bathroom and switched on the tap to wash her face.

However, she had only turned on the top when her legs gave way. She slumped onto the floor and buried her face into her knees.

Sean had not always behaved like that with her. There was a time when he was gentle and kind toward her; he never hurt her with harsh words or aggravated accusations despite how much she clung onto him.

However, the change in his demeanor came without warning.


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