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One mate and a Rejection novel Chapter 12

PART 1 Chapter 12 — 03
He hung up the phone and glanced at me uncertainly.

lrolled my eyes.

Did he think that lowly of me? I'm not that pathetic.

Oh but I am,otherwise I wouldn't be sinking into the charcoal forming ocean of my misery and despair.

"I have to go now,’ muttered Jared and stood up,’ I'm late for an appointment."

I almost laughed out loud.

An appointment,ight.

I walked him to the door and was surprised when he hugged me one last time.

He rested his chin on my shoulder as he muttered,"

I'm so sorry."

Jared,if you could somehow choose your mate,would you choose me or Jasmine? But I didn't say it out loud.

I was too afraid of the answer.

Jared let go of me and walked to the door,but he couldn't do this to me.

He can't come into my house,make me fall in love with him all over and then just leave.

My body shook with the urge and sadness to be with him again and I realized just how desperate I am.

I watched as Jared left the house without sparing me a last glance,entering his car and driving away,my heart,on a rope,tied to his cartrailing behind him,ripping and bruising against the jagged pavement.

I spend the rest of the weekend dreading Monday,knowing now that I'm a shifted werewolf,I can sense whenever my mate is nearby.

But most likely he probably doesn't even go to our school,therefore I should worry about accidentally bumping into him or anything.

Monday rolled around pretty quickmuch to my displeasure and it complicated even faster.

I parked my car in a new spot,far away from everybody,but Jasmine.

She stepped out of her carJared following after like a lost puppy.

He had his own car to use,why not drive it? Without control, imagined myself taking Jasmine’s pretty car and spilling acid all over it.

I let out a sigh and waited until they were safely out of sight before entering the school.

Lunch rolled around and I found myself effortlessly floating from one place to another.

Somehow I had ended up at a table with Lisa and John,smiling slightly as Ben approached.

“Hi Emerald,"

he greeted,bowing his head.

"Ben-hi,’ I forced myself to let out.

"I just wanted to say that I had a really nice time and maybe we can do it again."

Despite my nosey gut that screamed 'no,you've got a mate!’,I nodded my head and said,"


I watched as he walked away,hoping Lisa and John wouldn't pry.

But of course,they did the opposite of what I was hoping.

“You went out with Ben?"

“When did this happen?"

“Why didn't you tell me?"

"Guys, I weakly shouted,"Let me explain."


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