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One mate and a Rejection novel Chapter 19

PART 1 Chapter 19 — 02
Blade's eyes fell upon mines once again and they looked guilty.

I didn't know why I was feeling so shattered inside but I couldn't ignore it.

My eyes dug into Blade's for a moment longer and I realized just how familiar they are.

They stared at me with guilt and regretjust as unexplained as my resurfacing hurt.

I stood up from where I was crouching and ran towards my house,hoping to leave the pain behind.

It remained with me and it seemed like the harder I pumped my feet,trying to get away from it,the faster it chased me.

It was unexplainable really,why I felt like the remaining pieces of my heart who were beginning to give me the slightest of hope had been stepped on by no other than Blade Russell.

An enemy.

The son of a traitor.

The attacker of Jared and the reason he's in the hospital.

I realized that I should bring my unidentified mate into this.

Shouldn't I feel guilty for being in love with Jared when I had a mate already.

Shouldn't I feel guilty for feeling things for Blade that I shouldn't be able to feel for an enemy! How desperate am I to catch feelings for someone just because they rescued me,any decent human being would have done something to help.

Imagine the look on my father's face as he learns his daughter is a betrayer! Imagine now I'd ruin their reputation! But I didn't feel guilty.

In fact,the opposite really.

I grew angry as I thought of just how messed up my life is.

I'm in love with a guy who has a mate.

I'm receiving strange feelings for an enemy,and I have a stranger mate who wont show me his identity.

Back home,I was grateful for Amanda's and Jason's departure.

It gave me an hour or so of studying.

Mom barged into my room,her face wrinkled with stress.

"There's a pack meeting tonight with the enemy pack,all the adults have to go,nobody below twenty-one.

Will you be alright by yourself?"

"Yup,do you know what the meeting is about?"

"Blade Russell putting Jared in the hospital.

It's obvious."

I nodded,my stomach flipping when she said Blade's name,"

Is dad going?"

She shrugged,"

I don't know.

I haven't heard from him."

With that,she exited the room,leaving behind a trail of misery.

Suddenly,I felt disgusted with myself.

I had been so caught up in my own personal problems to notice that my parents might be on the verge of divorce,Jason hates me and I probably caused Amanda some real damage.

I sighed.

I really didn't know what was wrong with me.

My phone suddenly rang,snapping me out of my pity party.

I picked it up,the screen flashing Lisa's name.



she answered, get ready and meet us downstairs in five minutes."

“What? For what?"

I asked,getting up.

“Just do it.

Dress in something warm."

with that she hung up,bearing me no more explanation.

I quickly got up and dressed in some jeans,a hoodie and a sweater on top.

Lisa and John were waiting outside in a car.

“About time!"

yelled John as I entered.

Lisa laughed,’ we just got here."

We drove for about ten minutes,singing along to the radio.

When we pulled up in front of the carnival,I began to jump up and down.

“Yes! I haven't been here in so long!"


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