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One More Chance novel Chapter 101

~~~After you go, I can catch up on my reading. After you go, I'll have more time for sleeping. And when you're gone, looks like things are gonna be a lot easier. Life will be a breeze you know. I really should be glad, but I'm bluer than blue, sadder than sad. You're the only light this empty room has ever had. And life without you is gonna be bluer than blue~~~

-Michael Johnson-


"Yes, my princess. Do you want us to stop at a McDonald's or you only want pizza?" He asked, lifting his daughter in his arms.

"Hmm... cam we stop and buy both?"

"Of course! What my princess wants, my princess gets."


I sighed, shaking my head at the two.

"Let's go, mommy."

I just nodded to Cali and smiled when Luke turned to me smiling.


"What? You went with him to your old house?" Jack screamed in shock the moment I told her where I went this morning. "Oh, jeez, Sam!"

"Hey, Cali was with me!" I chuckled, but I immediately avoided her gaze.

We're now in the back office of the coffee shop. Luke was just the one who brought Cali home as I went straight to the shop after visiting the house and showing the property to the buyer which happened to be Luke's cousin.

"And I had to come with him to sign the documents too," I said walking over to the mini pantry to get something to drink.

"Okay." I know she followed me because I heard her voice close behind me. "What's the reason again why he had to sell the house--- I mean, why you had to sell the house?"

"We will donate the money to the foundation."

"And you believed him that he would really sell that property?"

"Yes, because I was there. I signed the documents with him, right?" I walked past her and went back to my desk with a glass of juice in my hand.

"Hmm... alright." She shrugged. And when I thought she would stop there already, well, I was wrong. "So, did the memories come back?"

My head snapped at her.

"What do you mean if the memories come back?"

She smirked and walked slowly towards my desk.

"If the memories came back." She shrugged. "If the happy, sad and painful memories came back when you went there with him? Those times when you cried hysterically over him in your room, screaming out the pain---"


"What? I'm just asking, Sam." She chuckled but it was sarcastically. "Hmm... do you still remember the restaurant scene?"

I frowned. Does she really have to mention it, I mean, does she have to remind me that scene again?

"You know when you saw him kiss his mistress on the lips and said I love you to each other---"


"And then you ran outside crying your heart out?"

I gulped. I still remember that.

"And oh, yeah... how many times have you told him I love you again in the past? Three? Four? Five? Six? Argh! I lost count! Did he even say I love you too, I care about you, I miss you?"

"Jackeline, what the hell!"

"Oops! Chill a bit, girl! I just want to remind you of your Samantha version 2.0."

I held my breath for a few seconds and then slowly released it to calm my insides.

"Anyway, does David know about it?"

I stared at her before shaking my head. I didn't expect that question.

"No, I didn't tell him."

"Why not?" She raised an eyebrow.

"And why do I still need to tell him?"

"Because firstly, he's your boyfriend and he has the right to know about it, secondly, the person you are with this morning wasn't just someone else but your 'ex-husband', remember? David is your boyfriend and Luke is now just your ex-husband."

"Luke isn't just my ex-husband, Jack, he's my daughter's father and I don't want David to think something else about it, so I chose not to tell him, besides, I can't see anything wrong with what I did. I just went with him not for any personal matters, but for the property that the children of the foundation will benefit from."

It took her a few seconds before she decided to open her mouth.



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