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One More Chance novel Chapter 156

Days, weeks, and a month passed quickly and I witnessed how Luke really had changed. From a womanizer, a rude, heartless, and cold person that I had met when I was sixteen to a sweet loving man, a complete husband material, and a father figure to our daughter.

In these past few weeks, he has shown me and proved that he's really worth a second chance.

I can see the love shining in his eyes every time he looks at me and feel the warmth of his care whenever he touches me, guides me when I walk, holds my hand with his free hand, opens the car door for me, or even my apartment door.

I can hear the excitement in his voice when he calls me and the sincerity whenever he says I love you, and a kiss on my forehead whenever I couldn't answer it back.

I started to open up with him and he does the same. From my teenage days into being his wife and in all the times I have been with him in the past, I realized that I had never really known him then and am just gradually getting to know him now.

Sometimes after a lingering kiss and saying good night in the doorway, the moment I closed the door, I wonder how our lives would have been if I hadn't been the most stupid young Samantha back then, especially when I remember what he said during our official first date in his flat.

And just like he said, what would have happened these past few years if I had just learned to wait a little longer? Did the things that happened before still happen?

But when I closed my eyes at night, I also realized that... yes, things could have happened differently, but without Cali. Yes, our lives could have been easier, but we're not as strong as we are right now. And yes, our relationship could have been lighter and we could have had a beautiful and grand wedding that might be called the wedding of the century, but we haven't gotten to know each other as deeply as we do today. We don't learn the lessons we've learned over the years. And most of all, since perhaps destiny hasn't tested us yet, our love for each other may not have been so deep that could easily fall and break as time goes by.

"Hey, are you sending a message to your boyfriend and telling him to pick you up?"

I rolled my eyes when Dana nudged my elbow. We're currently at the anniversary party of the couple who have been our valued customers since day one. They invited us and our staff to their 50th wedding anniversary.

"Nope, I'm just replying to his message. He's asking if I'm enjoying the party."

"And what did you say?"

"Well, yeah, kinda," I shrugged and she chuckled.

"You know what, I admire your relationship and his dedication to you. Every day he's proving how much he loves you and how he wants you back."

"Thanks," I smiled at her.

"Well, after all, love is sweeter the second time around," she shrugged.

"I guess so," I copied her action with a wide smile. "How about you and your husband?"

And that's the time when a wide smile painted across her lips.

"Well, just like your boyfriend, he's also a man of effort,"

And we continued talking about the men and the things we like about them.

"Anyway, I can see that you're happy,"

I just turned to her and smiled.

"So, when are we going to hear the wedding bells?"

And that made my mouth drop.

"Uhm... we're still in the process of getting to know each other," I shrugged.

"Whoa! But you have already been married before!"

"And we got divorced, besides, we never had this kind of opportunity before. Back then was so overwhelming that we never got the chance to know what our favorites and then we got married. So now, we are taking the steps slowly and gradually filling in the things that we should and have done before."

"Hmm... you have a point, but I'm excited and happy to see you walking down the aisle and now with your daughter carrying the rings to the altar."

I bit my lower lip due to the surge of excitement over what she said.

"Now I also believe that Luke Marcuz Williams is your TOTGA,"

"TOTGA?" I asked her with a frown.

"The one that got away, but the beautiful thing that happened is that he came back and now loves you more than you had imagined in your life."

I just smiled and sighed at the same time as I couldn't agree with her more.


"Ohh... I think you no longer have to ride with me."

I frowned and turned to the grinning Dana when we reached the hotel parking lot.


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