~~~ Through the fire, through the limit, through the wall, for a chance to be with you, I'd gladly risk it all. Through the fire, through whatever come what may, for a chance of loving you, I'd take it all the way. Right down through the wire, even through the fire...~~~
-Nina Girado-
I decided to go and see my doctor alone. I wanted to go myself so I told my driver to take the day off. And I stepped on the gas as soon as I reached the main road. I felt so down and disappointed with what Luke did. He said he will come with me---no, he said he'll try, but where is he?
He could at least send me a message, leave a note in front of my door or give an instruction to one of our maids to tell me that he couldn't come with me. Maybe I understand it or I'll try to understand him if he tried to do even one of those simple gestures but goodness--- he didn't!
I don't want to bother my parents or Dale 'cause I'm not sure if they also have important things to do. And of course, Jack has to send her mom to the airport, so I have no choice but to go along myself.
"Hey, what's with that kind of expression, Sam?"
I sighed, forcing a smile as the doctor noticed me sulking. She motioned me to lie down while she's preparing the things she needed for the test.
"Don't you know that your baby also feels your emotions?"
"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about whether my baby would be a girl or a boy. " I lied, but I guess she knew, she just pretended to bite it as she gave me a shrugged.
"Alright." She stared at me for a while before she opened her mouth to speak. "Honestly, I wasn't about to do this test without your parents or anyone with you."
My mouth hung in midair as I waited for her to continue.
"You're only 17, still a minor and you should have someone with you, I mean someone who has an experience like your mother to guide you and further explain about this pregnancy but seeing your face and your expression, I guess I understand. And I want you to know that I'm not here to judge you, actually, I can be one of your friends if you want. You can talk to me about what you feel and everything if there's no one to listen to you, okay?"
Tears were forming around my eyes when I nodded. "Thank you, doctor Mary, I appreciate it and I promise to do it if it won't take so much of your time."
"No, sweety, it won't. You can call me anytime and I'll guide you until you give birth to your baby." She said, smiling.
"Thank you."
"No, worries, so can we now proceed?"
"Yup." I nodded.
"Are you ready?"
I nodded again, excitedly.
After taking a long deep breath, she told me to look at the monitor on my right side... and a few seconds later, I couldn't hold back my tears when I finally heard the heartbeat of my little angel.
"Ohh... here she is."
"She?" I glanced at her.
"Yes, sweetie, it's a girl."
"Oh, my..." I covered my mouth as the sobs escaped my lips. I couldn't explain what exactly I feel at that moment. Suddenly, all the sadness, disappointments and hurts disappeared. She's so tiny on the screen and I couldn't help but feel excited to hold her in my arms.
"Do you already have a name or names in your mind for your baby?"
"Honestly, I don't have a name for her yet, but I think I would name her after my mom and my mother-in-law." I paused for a second. "Cali. I'll name her Cali, short name for Cassandra Lizeth. Cassandra came from Cassidy Alexandra who is my mom and Lizeth came from Lilian Yuzeth who is my mother-in-law."
"Wow! That's a nice name, Sam. I'm also excited for your baby to come out."
"Thank you," I replied, glancing back at the monitor.
'Cali... Cassandra Lizeth Williams...'
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