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One More Chance novel Chapter 190

I paused changing my tone to a light one to also change the atmosphere which seems to have been shrouded in silence since I took the microphone from Luke.

"... who doesn't dream or doesn't even want to experience an exciting proposal from their boyfriend, right?"

And with a smirk, I turned to my best friend who I remembered being dragged off the dance floor by my brother, took her to the parking lot outside the newly opened nightclub in San Francisco, and without a word suddenly put a ring on her finger and that's it! The rest was history.

"Yeah! Go, girl!" Finally, Jack came to her senses as she screamed after glaring at her husband.

"So now you know why I'm here?" Luke asked me as soon as he took the microphone back and I raised an eyebrow.

"Nope," I replied, shaking my head to which he just chuckled and it took him a few seconds before the laughter completely disappeared and was replaced by a serious expression.

Even the whole surrounding seemed to feel it too and suddenly fell silent again. Perhaps they were waiting for whatever Luke would do or say next at that moment.

"Sam, I know I surprised you last time, and maybe you were also disappointed because I just asked it randomly over our dinner and I understand you. To be honest, I was a little ashamed of myself when I heard those things you wanted to happen because as a man and at this age I didn't even think about it. Which I should have known better because not only did we know each other but we've also been married for four years."

"So that night I decided not to go to the Philippines and asked Caleb to help my team instead. Because that night, after I sent you home and on my way back to the condo, I realized you were right. With all the things I've done to you and all the things that have happened between us, why can't I give you the simple thing you've been dreaming about for so long… that's because I was a total asshole back then I didn't give it to you."

"Is that why you're here?" I couldn't help but ask and he nodded. "You didn't really go to the Philippines?" I asked and he nodded again.

"Sam, there is so much more that I want to tell you, but I'm sure even this whole night won't be enough, so I'll just save them for some other time and choose what's important." He stopped for a few seconds to take a deep breath. "I know I've already apologized for all the wrong things I've done to you, but I would like to take this opportunity to apologize again to everyone, to your family, friends, and especially your parents..."

He turned in my parents' direction and they just nodded at him with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Mom, and Dad for hurting your precious daughter. I'm sorry, Dale for making your baby sister cry and Jack, I'm sorry for every hurtful word I've said to you. I know from the start it hasn't been easy accepting my apologies because most of all you witnessed how much of an idiot and an asshole I was to your best friend and I'm so sorry."

I couldn't help but my lips and I swallowed almost every second to push the lump back that had formed in my throat while he was speaking. But it was no use when he started talking to our daughter and the little girl began to cry.

"And to my daughter... my princess... my baby... I'm sorry, sweetie, if I couldn't take you to school fairs, or field trips, if I wasn't able to accompany your mommy to attend family days at your school. I'm sorry for those times you needed a father but I wasn't by your side. And I'm so sorry because you didn't have the experience of having a whole family while you were growing up. If only I could go back to those times you were born, I would do what was right. I won't do things that will hurt your mother and affect you too. I'm sorry, Cali,"

"But this time it's not only your mother I want to ask for a second chance, but you too. I hope you will give me a chance to be a better father to you and rebuild what we have, especially this family."

Chapter 190: Her dream 1

Chapter 190: Her dream 2

Chapter 190: Her dream 3


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