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One More Chance novel Chapter 4

~~~Baby, I dream of you every minute. You're in my dreams, you're always in it. That's the only place I know where you could be mine and I'm yours, 'till I wake up. Why can't it be? Why can't it be the two of us?~~~

-Kaye Cal--


"I'm gonna bring you home and talk to Mom and Dad about the stupid things you've been doing!"

I tried to pull my hand back and stop him from dragging me to the parking lot, but the only thing I could do was 'try'.

"Haha, go ahead, I'm sure they won't believe you." I raised an eyebrow, too confident with the words I said.

He stopped from opening the passenger side, grinning. "Who says they won't believe me if I ask Luke to confirm my statement? Not to mention the security guards and some of the students who witnessed your stupid things."

I gulped. That was when a smile left my lips.


Samantha's POV:

"Gosh, Jackeline Agustine, hurry up! For sure the plane won't wait for us!" I screamed, holding the handle of my bag.

My eyebrows are in a straight line as I wait for Jack in the living room. Today is my flight, or I should say 'our flight' back to San Francisco. I don't know what comes to her mind as she suddenly decided to come with me.

A few minutes later, she came out with two large travel bags in her hand.

"Goodness--- don't tell me you also bring your room with you?" I sarcastically asked when I noticed that aside from the two large bags, she also has a not-so-large shoulder bag.

"Oh, actually, I'm also thinking of taking the whole apartment with me to San Francisco." She winked.

"Haha... funny!" I snort, rolling my eyes on her which she just returned with a loud laugh that echoed almost throughout the living room. "Come on, I don't want to be late for my daughter's party tonight."

"Don't worry because New York is 3 hours ahead of San Francisco, so we still have a few hours to rest and get ready for the party. Haist! If it weren't for my adorable Cali, I wouldn't step back to San Francisco---"

"And see my brother again." I interrupted her, with a known smile playing on my lips.

"Hmmp! Oh, you're absolutely right. Your chauvinist brother is one of the reasons why I don't want to go back to San Francisco."

"If so, what made you decide to come with me when you know there's a possibility that you might see him at the party?"

"I told you, it's because of your daughter. You know how much I love Cali too. She's an adorable and sweet little girl."

"Oops! Don't you ever say that in front of her."

"Yes, I know. She no longer wants anyone to call her a baby or anyone girl because she thinks she's a grown-up girl. Hmmp! Like mother, like daughter... so stubborn!"

Our way to the airport was filled with laughter and some memories of the past.


At our favourite fast-food restaurant 7 years ago...

"What the heck! Are you fucking insane, Samantha?" That was Jack's first reaction when I told her about my plan of seducing Luke to the next level.

"Well, I have no choice, Jack."

"What are you talking about you have no choice? You have all the choices in the world to stop your craziness over Luke Williams, otherwise, you will end up miserably!"

"Miserably? No, Jack, because miserably is what will happen to me if I just let him marry that woman after his graduation!"

"Oh, my God! 'That woman' seriously? Well, for your information or just in case you are forgetting, that woman you are mentioning is none other than his girlfriend! So whether he chooses to marry her after graduation or impregnate her before their graduation, it's his choice!"

"Argh! That's not gonna happen and I'll make sure of that! Luke Marcuz Williams is mine and I'll do everything to make him completely mine, sooner or later!"

This time the look she gave me shows disgust and disapproval. Well, could they blame me for my actions or if I had the worst reaction? Could they blame me if two hours ago, I accidentally overheard my brother and Luke talking on the phone? Dale greeted him. He asked him how sure he was about the wedding.

At first, I was a little confused about what they were talking about--- you know, the word 'wedding' could hardly register in my head. Until I heard the name 'Cherry' and seconds later, Dale congratulated him and promised to help him prepare for his wedding right after their graduation.

I instantly grabbed my head in total shock. He can't be. They can't be.

"You know I love you, Sam, right? You're my best friend, but I'm sorry because this time I won't be on your side. I won't help you."


"This is not right. I know how much you like him but doing something like this? Like stooping yourself down just to---"

"I love him!"

"Fine! You love him if that's what you describe your feelings towards him. But as I was saying, stooping yourself down just to make him yours and to stop the wedding---gosh, Samantha! You're forgetting about the decency and morality of being a woman! What if you get pregnant?"

I gulped at her last question.

"Can't you even think about your parents, what their reactions will be---"

"And who says I will them know about my plan?" I asked, my voice rising a little.

She said nothing, but she remained staring at me. I know she still has a lot of words to say to me, but I was shocked by her next words.

"Okay." She sighed. A long deep sigh that shows resignation. "Well, I guess I can never change your mind. Go ahead, carry out your plan, but never knock on my door crying and asking for help on how to face the consequences of what you've done."

"Jack---" as long as I want to talk to her more, I can't do it anymore because she has already left me alone on our table. I just bit my lower lip as I watched her walk towards the restaurant entrance.


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