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One More Chance novel Chapter 51

~~~Never thought that I would find it hard to leave it all behind the times we got to spend together. It's not easy letting go, time just seems to run so slow. Every night just seems to last forever. IT'S NOT EASY LETTING GO, NOT WHEN HEARTS ARE SAYING NO. Can we talk it out 'cause it's not easy letting go~~~

-Daryl Ong-


I admit I was blown away by those questions. I've already heard them from Jack, but I didn't know that it has more impact when it comes from him.

"Oh, don't you think I already know that? Of course, it won't change anything. Who says it will? The question is, will it make me satisfied after doing what I'm planning to do?"

I was about to grab the doorknob when I remember something.

"Don't worry, I won't kill her." His mouth hung in shock. "And of course, I won't kill you either. You know how much I love you and I'm not that kind of person, no matter how much you hurt me. I will just talk to her and show to her that she should stop flirting with my husband."

And that's it. After mentioning those words, I left his study room.

And hot tears started running down my cheeks the moment I came out of his room and closed the door behind me. I thought I would never experience this treatment again, but I was wrong. He once treated me like this because of that woman and now he's treating me this way again because of her.

Walking back to the kitchen, I have made a decision. I need to talk to her. I will talk to her.


I leaned back against my seat and sighed after checking the time from my wristwatch. I've been waiting for almost 15 minutes inside my car but until now the person I hired hasn't called me yet.

I remembered my grandfather once said, you must first identify your opponent before facing them. So I hired a private person to find out everything I needed to know about Cherry Petterson. I asked my cousin from the mother side who's working in a detective agency and I learned from him that she is a famous lingerie model in Paris, France and some parts of Europe and Asia.

She and my husband met again in Bangkok when she attended an event in which my husband exactly had an Asian business meeting. The event was held in the same building where Luke and his business partners had a meeting and the rest is history.

She's still staying in the same hotel and room where they were doing their dirty business with my husband.

I was watching the people passing by outside my car when I received a call from Nolan, the person I asked for help.

"Nolan, is there any update?" I held my breath upon answering his call.

"Yes, I found her."

"Where is she?"

"She's having an interview with the local reporters---"

"Wait, interview?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, she's famous, right? And they found out that she has a catwalk event to be held in the city next week."

"Ohh..." I said, nodding and my lips twisted into a smile as an idea came to my mind. I think those reporters will be of great help to me.

"The interview's already over and she and her personal assistant are now preparing to leave."

"Okay, just follow them and make sure they don't lose from your sight. I'm coming up."

"Okay, no problem."

I took a deep breath after turning off the call and get ready for the mission. I simply checked my looks in the mirror, applied a thin lipstick and powder and I'm ready to go.

I was at the hotel entrance when I revieved a text message from Nolan. He said Cherry is at the coffee shop.

Walking in their direction, I lost count of how many times I heaved a sigh to calm my nerves. My insides were shaking and my heart was pounding inside my ribcage.

*She's sitting alone near the entrance. Her personal assistant has already left.* Nolan's other message.

My eyes were searching inside the coffee shop and there, at the corner near the entrance, I found the person I was looking for. 

I started walking towards her table with my eyes never leaving her figure. Yes, I admit she's beautiful... gorgeous if I won't be biased. She looked so elegant in her red jumpsuit that shows her perfect and luscious curves. Her nose line was also perfect even her red-tinted lips.

"Hi." I greeted her with the sweetest smile I could muster.

Shock was registered in her eyes when she glanced up. I'm sure she recognized me based on the familiar looks in her eyes.


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