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One More Chance novel Chapter 67

~~~There was a time, I packed my dreams away, living in a shell, hiding from myself. There was a time when I was so afraid. But baby that was then, I am made of more than my yesterdays. This is my now and I am breathing in the moment. As I look around, I can't believe the love I see. My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubt, that was then, this is my now.~~~

-Jordin Sparks-


"I still am, why do you ask?"

"Hmm... because I saw your reaction when you learned that Luke was joining us for breakfast. And--- I saw you talking to him in the pool area."

"Jack, it's not what you think---"

"Hep! Whatever it is, I'm in no position to stop you, but let me just remind you, dear Samantha, I mean, Samantha version 2.0 of your promise to yourself that you will never look back on what you've been through. You said you've already moved on and had no feelings for your husband."


"Fine, ex-husband--- ex-lover--- ex-bastard or whatever you want to call him, Samantha I just hope you don't forget that promise."

"Jackeline, I wasn't forgetting what I said and just for your peace of mind, he tried to talk to me but I refused. And yes, I already moved on and what has happened in the past, I make sure it won't affect me anymore."

"Okay." She said with a shrug. "I was just reminding you again. Luke was one of the things in the past that you should never reminisce or look back. You now have a new life..." She paused and smiled at me before she continued. "... and love life. A man who deserves your love and the one who has shown you your importance."

"Yeah, I know and don't worry, I may not be able to avoid seeing Luke or talking to him, but my heart doesn't belong to him anymore."

I smiled at her as a sign of reassurance.

I have decided to stay in San Francisco for a month and Jack will be the one to supervise our business in New York with the help of our assistants. She let me stay so I could be with my daughter and have moments together.

But when I thought staying in San Francisco was a good idea, well, I was wrong. I have no idea that by staying, my patience, my goal and beliefs about moving on would be tested again.

And that test will start...


I woke up at 7:00 in the morning to help our maids and my mother prepare breakfast, the most important meal of the day.

While having breakfast with my parents and my brother, I noticed the smile that hadn't left my daughter's face, but I chose to ignore it and continued to eat. But as soon as I finished, she dragged me into the living room and asked me if we could go to the mall as she wanted to watch a children's movie and buy some toys.

And since for me it was just a simple wish, I agreed and went with her to the mall.

"Mommy, can we go to the ladies room first?" Cali asked me as soon as we entered the entrance.

"Sure, baby."

I nodded, not knowing she wasn't really going to pee. I got confused when she told me to wait outside as she can manage herself. Of course, I refused but she used her puppy eyes which she knew my weakness, so I have no choice but to wait for her at the door.

She took almost 10 minutes inside the ladies room and when I was about to follow her, she has already appeared in front of me with the widest smile painted on her lips.

"I'm done, mommy, let's go!"

"What took you so long?" I couldn't help but asked her.

"Because there were a lot of people inside and I waited for the vacant cubicle."

-'Hmm... Oh, well, she has a point.-' I said to myself, nodding. "So what movie do you want to watch, baby?"

"Uhm, can we eat first mommy before we go to the cinema?"

"Oh, okay. I'm sorry I forgot about that thing."

"It's okay, mommy." She said, looking at the pink wristwatch in her hand with a frozen design. "Hmm... I think I want to have some pizza, burger and sundaes, mommy."

"Alright, we can have that all, baby but are you sure you can eat all of those?"

"Yup! Daddy always brings me burgers and sundaes every time he comes to visit me at grandma's house."

"Ohh... is he alone?" I bit my lip as soon as that question left my mouth. What do I care if he brought anyone to visit his daughter?

When we were inside the fast-food restaurant, I noticed she kept looking at her wristwatch but what shocked me was the ring I heard from her small backpack.

"Wait! Is that a cellphone ringing?" I asked, pointing to her bag.

"Oops!" Her eyes widened when she looked at me. "Yes, it is, mommy?" She nodded, giving me an awkward smile as she took the phone out of her bag.

I think someone is calling as it keeps on ringing.

"Who's that phone, Cali and where did you get?"

"Uhm... daddy gave me this phone."

"Your daddy--- I-It was from your dad?"

"Hmhm... he gave this to me on my birthday."

"But why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I just forgot to tell you, mommy." She answered, avoiding my gaze.


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