~~I'd like to give you all that I have, to have you stay with me but you, you don't see me. You don't see me that way, you don't see the way I look at you when you're not looking at me. I wish that I could tell you every single thought I ever had about you and me, but you don't see me that way~~~
But the moment I took the first step, dizziness surged in me and I almost lost my balance if Jack hadn't grabbed my hand.
"Hey, are you okay?" she asked in a worried voice. She also helped me to take a seat. "What's going on with you, Sam?"
"I don't know, I've been like this lately. I have always been dizzy." I sighed closing my eyes as I felt my surrounding's spinning around me.
"But why? Do you miss your meals lately?"
"No. Honestly, I've always been hungry lately and you know what? I think lasagna and meatballs are my favorite food every day." I chuckled slightly as I remembered last night sneaking into the kitchen to get those leftovers meatballs and lasagna and brought them to my room.
"You're craving for lasagna and meatballs?"
"Hmm... and gosh, I hate the smell of Dale's cologne lately. I'm not sure if he changed the one I bought for him, but I swear, I feel like I want to use the bathroom every time I smell it."
I was still busy thinking about some unusual things that have been happening to me lately when I felt her sit next to me.
"Why did you suddenly become quiet---"
"When was your last period?"
I frowned as she interrupted me just to ask such a stupid question, but of course, Jackeline is Jackeline so I'm sure she wouldn't stop unless she got the answer.
"Uhmm... actually, I was supposed to have my period two weeks ago but I don't know why it missed."
I opened my eyes only to be confused with her facial expression. She seemed so shocked so I tried to make a joke.
"Haist. I really admired her for visiting me monthly but I'm confused as to why she forgot to visit me this month."
But I guess I wasn't a good joker as I was just the one who laughed at my own joke.
She cursed loudly and looked at me with wide eyes.
"Why? What's going on---"
"You were supposed to have your monthly period two weeks ago, right?"
"And yesterday was exactly one month after the bar incident. After you slept with him!"
I frowned.
"I didn't sleep---shit!" but my words were cut by my loud curse. I stared at her for a moment, my expression shows that I understand what she means.
Holding my breath, my hand unconsciously lifted over my belly. "I-It's been a month."
She nodded, then held my other hand. "Yes, it's been a month and you have to see a doctor so that we can confirm whether what we have in mind is true or---"
"No, Jack, we can't! I mean, I can't go to a doctor. I'm sure Mom and Dad would notice and Dale! He would know it easily, I know him. He'll be mad at me!"
"Hey, Sam, please come down." She took both my hands as I started to panic.
Nervousness began to creep in me that we had forgotten about our next subject.
I don't know what my family's reaction would be when they knew the truth, not to mention this pregnancy... if it's true that I'm pregnant. I haven't told them about it and even though Dale had not spoken to me for a week, I still kept my mouth sealed.
And of course, I'm also thinking about Luke. I'm not sure whether to talk to him about it or not. In fact, I don't even know if he would believe me as he started ignoring me after that night. Well, I'm kinda used to it but this time is a bit different because I felt guilty every time he looked at me. He didn't tell anyone what happened that night, not even with Dale and that only added to the guilt I feel.
"I know what you're thinking."
I sighed loudly and then turned to her with tears forming around my eyes.
"What am I going to do, Jack?"
"You have to start telling them the truth."
"But they'll be mad at me."
"Oh, of course, they will! I mean, I'm sure they will, but do you have any other choice?"
I bit my lip.
"You're right, you have no choice. So when they get mad at you and scream your stupidity in front of you, take it. Take them all because it wasn't anyone's fault but yours."
If only my heart could scream at the moment, it would definitely scream 'ouch'.
"I warned you many times before, didn't I? What did I tell you? There's a chance that you'll get pregnant if you continue your plan, but you didn't listen, instead, you continued being stupid and spoiled brat Samantha!"
"I'm sorry," I said lowering my head.
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