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One More Chance novel Chapter 81

~~~You took a hammer to these walls, dragged the memories down the hall, packed your bags and walked away, there was nothing I could say. And when you slammed the front door shut, a lot of others opened up. So did my eyes, so I could see that you never were the best for me. 'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through, I got over you~~~

-Chris Daughtry-


"Whoa! What was Cherry's reaction and where is she now?"

"I've explained everything to her and it doesn't matter what her reaction was. She now returned to her old apartment."

"That's just it? I mean, she just walked out of your life without saying anything or acting hysterically? Tsk.tsk.tsk. I can't believe you, Luke. It seemed like you're just changing your clothes into a new one when you no longer want to wear the other one. At first, you gave up Sam and your family because of Cherry and now that you have Cherry, you suddenly want to get your ex-wife back? Aren't you that selfish, man?"

For the second time, I lost my words again because I admit to being all those words.

"Of course, she acted hysterically, but she didn't argue with me anymore when I told her I saw her messing around with her talent manager."

"Haha... what's that? Is that what they called, 'karma is real'?"

I was blown away by what he said, especially when it was followed by one of his annoying laughs, but my serious face made him stop after a few seconds.

"Fine! I'm just kidding."

"I love her, Patrick and I want my family back." That simple line made him smile and sigh at the same time, but I meant those words.

"But she's getting married, remember?" He stared at me for a few seconds. "Well, I just hope it's still not too late for that.

And that's when a smirk curled against my lips.

"Yeah, but even if it's too late, I will do everything to change her mind, after all, I still have the right to claim her, right?"

He didn't speak again, he just gave me a smile which didn't even reach his ears. But little did I know, he was screaming inside... -'No, you're wrong, boss! You already threw your rights on her and in your marriage when you hurt her and chose your ex-girlfriend over her!'- But he kept it himself as he stood up and left me with the files I needed for the next meeting.



My eyebrows knitted in confusion the moment I saw Samantha casually talking to Luke in the living room. At first, I was surprised to see her open the door for him. I was in the middle of the stairs when Luke walked into the living room and Sam greeted him with a smile. Take note--- with a smile.

"Oh, my..." I couldn't help but utter as I stopped in my tracks. "Why haven't I been informed that they already okay?"

I felt someone's presence next to me and based on his very familiar scent, I already knew who he was. The jerk himself.

"Do you have an idea when did this happen?" I heard him ask and since I was in the mood, I answered his question.

"Nope. I've been busy these past few days and she's didn't tell me any of this either." I said, not looking at him but at the two sitting on the couch.

"It's only 8:00 in the morning and Cali is still sleeping." I bet he checked the time on his wristwatch.

"You're right." I agree, without noticing that we're starting to have a normal conversation after of all ages. "I'll just ask her about it later."

"Yeah, I'll talk to that man as well as soon as they're done.

We stayed there for I don'know how long before I heard him open his mouth again.

"Anyway, what do you usually eat for breakfast?"

I think I have been too focused on the two to not notice that I was already answering his question as if we were close friends.

"Hmm... sometimes I eat pancakes. The usual." I shrugged. "...or whatever your maids cooked for breakfast."

"I see."

I glanced at him this time.

"Why? Will you to share your breakfast with me?"

"I'll cook for you." He smiled.

-'ohh... did he just smile?'- I was suddenly blown away for a few seconds before finding the next words. "Wow, I didn't know you could cook."

"Tss! I'm a good cook. Tell me, what do you want to eat for breakfast?"

Raising my eyebrow, I stared at him. I don't know what's going on with him, but I also don't know why I was talking to him and answering his questions.

"Wait. Hmm... I think I want some avocado egg salad sandwich with salmon and cucumber slices."

"Oh, okay. Let's go." He shrugged which made my eyes widen.


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