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One More Chance novel Chapter 85

~~~Look at me I'm way past pride. Isn't there something that we can try to be us again? Even if it takes a while, I'll wait right here until I see that smile that says we're us again. Baby, what would I do? I can't imagine life without you. Let's be us again...~~~



"Yes, my princess, it is." Luke was the one who answered the question and I just brushed my hair in frustration.

"Yehey! Thank you, daddy, for coming here and mommy for letting daddy come with us." She got up from her father's lap and came to me to hug me and kiss me on both cheeks.

"Don't mention it, baby." I winked at her, trying to smile so that she wouldn't notice the real reaction I was hiding inside. "I just love you more than all the things in the world."

"I love you too, mommy."

And she repeated the same action to her father.

After eating our lunch in the park, I started packing the things and putting them in our bag.

"It's coffee time!"

I heard Cali scream as she picked up the empty box of pizza and some mess on the blanket, but I continued with what I was doing.

I just stopped for a moment when Luke suddenly knelt in front of me and helped me clean the blanket.

"You can come with me in the car, Sam. I'll also drive you guys home if you want. I'll just call my driver to take your car to your parents' house.

He was about to stand up and get his phone, but I stopped him.

"Thanks for the offer, but no! I mean, I brought my car and you can just follow us to the coffee shop if you want."

"But Sam---"

I turned my attention back to the blanket.

"Or if you want I'll call my driver to take my car home and I'll drive your car to the coffee shop, how's that?"


"We will be riding in one car, daddy?"

I just bit my tongue inside when Cali asked out of the blue. And before I could even open my mouth again, she instantly came in front of me.

"Mommy, can we ride in one car? Let's daddy drive your car to the coffee shop." She looked at me straight and although I really wanted to say no and repeat what I told to his father, but I chose not to. I couldn't do it, especially when I saw how happy she was with her father's presence.

I glanced at Luke before nodding to Cali's question.

"Thanks, mommy." I just nodded again.

We were already walking back to the car with Luke carrying all our stuff, but my mind couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened on our date. How did our mother-daughter date become a family date? And how did it happened that I agreed to what Luke was asking of me?

-'Haist, Cali!'- I just shook my head and sighed secretly at the thought of my daughter.


"Can we open the radio?"

I turned to Cali as she asked us from the back seat. I'm in the front seat and Luke is in the driver seat and if you want to know whose car he's driving at the moment, well, it's his. We were about to get into my car when Cali saw her father's new car and of course, she won against me...for the third time this day. She said she wanted to try riding in it, so instead of using my car, we used Luke's car.

"I feel bored." She pouted. "I don't know why you're so quiet."

I couldn't help but take a look at Luke's direction as we chuckled at the same time.

"Okay, princess, I'll turn on the radio for you," Luke said, laughing while glancing at his daughter in the rearview mirror.

"Oh, wait, I've changed my mind." I glanced at the little girl again. "Do you have your CDs, daddy?"

"Yes, I always have them. Why do you ask?"

"Uhm, can we just play your CDs instead of opening the radio?"


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