~~~I'm never gonna let you go, I'm gonna hold you in my arms forever. Gonna try and make up for all the times I hurt you so. Gonna hold your body close to mine, from this day on we're gonna be together. Oh, I swear this time, I'm never gonna let you go~~~
-Sérgio Mendes-
"Mommy, why are you still awake?"
I took a deep breath before glancing at my daughter to my left side and smiled at her. She asked me tonight if she can sleep in my room and of course, I always love that idea.
It's already 11:00 pm, but drowsiness hasn't visited me yet.
Her eyes shined as she looked at me when the moonlight peeked through the window of the terrace of my room.
I don't know what to say to her, no, the truth is that I lost my words when I looked into her eyes. Those eyes that resembles much of her father eyes.
"I was just thinking about the coffee shop," I told her, but the truth is that I was thinking about what her father and I talked about earlier.
"Why? What about the coffee shop?" She asked again, turning her whole body to face me.
"Well, I'm thinking of starting to renovate the small portion to convert it into a flower shop."
"Do you want my help, mommy? I'll just go with you instead of going to Uncle Dale's office tomorrow."
"Huh? But why? I thought you loved feeding Uncle Dale's fish?"
"Yeah, but you need my help more than his fish. He can just ask Uncle Patrick to feed him. I want to go with you so I can help you in the coffee shop."
"Ahh... my baby." I bit my lip to stifle my laughter as hugged her.
I kissed her on the forehead. I was touched by the idea that she would come with me to the coffee shop and would be willing to give up what she loved to do every day, feeding her Uncle Dale's fish pet.
"It's okay, my baby, mommy can always ask Auntie Jack's help and of course, all our friends in the shop to renovate the coffee shop." When I said friends, I was referring to all of our employees.
"But I want to help you, mommy. What help could I give you?"
"Well, if you really want to help mommy, you just have to give me a good night kiss every night and good morning kiss when I wake up. How's that?"
She giggled and started kissing me on the forehead, on my cheeks and all over my face.
"I love you, mommy."
"Ahh... that's so sweet. I can feel my tiredness from the whole day gone away. That's the effect of your kiss, honey."
"Then I would kiss you more often to fade your tiredness." She said smiling.
"I love that idea." I hugged her again. "Anyway, you should take sleep now, it's getting late."
"Okay, goodnight, mommy."
"Good night, my baby."
I couldn't help but sighed a few minutes later when I saw her back into her sleep. I looked at the ceiling and then outside the window where the moonlight peeking through its glasses and that creates a perfect and beautiful luminescence inside the room.
I sighed again as I remember what happened in the coffee shop before Luke went back to his office earlier.
* * *
"Sam, can I talk to you about..." He paused in the middle of his sentence and became hesitant. And since I got confused and intrigued at the same time, I urged him to continue.
"Talk about what?"
He took a deep breath.
"Can we sit on that side?" He pointed to the table in the far corner and I frowned.
"Why do we have to move to that corner? Why don't you just ask your question or tell me what you want here?"
"Because it's a serious matter."
"It's about marital property."
"M-Marital property? What do you mean?" I asked a little surprised as I didn't expect that subject to come out of his mouth.
"Let's go to that corner. I promise, it won't take much of your time, besides I still have a meeting to attend this afternoon." He didn't wait for my answer as he immediately walked towards the corner that he was pointing to earlier.
"Haist!" I muttered but eventually followed him as I was left without a choice.
And as soon as I was seated, he started speaking.
"It's about our house, Sam."
"House? We don't have---"
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