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Operation: Cobra Is Back novel Chapter 95

With a loud snap, the whole room fell silent.

Duncan's slap directly stunned Yalen. Even his subordinates reacted with a moment.

How dare a follower hit their boss!

Even Alyssa was stunned and looked at Duncan with a complicated expression.

After rescuing Duncan from the police station, he became more and more different from before.

After a few seconds of silence, Yalen finally recovered from a sharp pain and looked at Duncan in shock.

"You... How dare you hit me?"

Duncan was calm.

When he entered the door, he smelled something strange. When Yalen brought up the red wine, Duncan immediately knew what the fat man was up to.

Duncan had stopped her, but Yalen not only wouldn't give up, but also shamelessly said that he would sleep with his wife.

Duncan couldn't bear it.

"Call the security guards!"

"How dare you hit me?"

Several of his subordinates finally realized what was going on and couldn't help shouting.

"Don't worry. I want to see how arrogant he is!"

Yalen stopped his subordinates. Obviously, he was not going to let him go!

Anyway, he was also a big shot at the advertising industry. Now he was slapped by a young man. How embarrassing it would be if it was spread out. How could he let go of him so easily?

At this time, Lile had already come up and stared at Duncan fiercely.

"Man, how dare you beat Mr. Barnes! Hurry up, and apologize to Mr. Barnes!"

He was the driver and guard of Yalen, and he was excellent. Although Duncan hit first, he did not take him seriously at all.

Hearing the voice, Duncan turned to look at him and sneered, "Do you also want to be hit?"

Duncan was too arrogant.

The others were also filled with indignation and stood up one after another.

"Young man, don't be too arrogant. Apologize, or you will die!"

"How dare you hit a big shot? If you don't apologize now, I promise you'll be imprisoned!"

"Miss Kent, this is your man, isn't it? Now ask him to apologize quickly and then pay 80 thousand dollars for the apology. Otherwise, your Kent Group will never do business in the JH city in the future."

Everyone's words were full of sarcasm. They not only scolded Duncan, but also wanted to disrupt the Kent Group. They were really arrogant to the extreme.

Alyssa was also a little nervous. After all, Yalen was the head of the advertising industry. He could make any company rise and death.

In the JN City, no one dared to offend him easily!

Duncan's slap had caused them to become enemies.

Duncan sneered and said disdainfully, "I also want to remind you that you should apologize to Miss Kent now. Otherwise, you can't go out today!"

"F*ck, how dare you are so arrogant! Lile, do it!"

Yalen's face turned cold as he gave the order.

Lile was fierce and he shouted angrily, "You're risking your neck!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he directly punched toward Duncan's face.

Seeing this, Yalen couldn't help sneering. He was very confident in his driver. Lile had helped him teach people a lesson many times in the past.

In his opinion, although this guy slapped him, he was definitely no match for Lile.

It was too fast.

Chapter 95 the Master 1


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