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Ouch! my ceo fiancé fell for his maid by Lisa alman novel Chapter 111

111-Leigh (Part II)

Third person pov:

It was raining like cats and dogs. Steward Garner came out when he heard the knock at the wooden door and found a beautiful young woman outside his house. Her clothes were drenched, and her teeth were chattering in cold.

"Ash... Ashton. I am looking for Ashton... s... sir.” Several creases appeared on his forehead.

"Are you looking for Ashton Garner?" he asked her kindly.

She raised her index finger and asked him to wait. Fishing in her bag, she took out the photo that looked more crumbled by now with water traces on it.

'Th...this man!" she gave it to him. He took it near his eyes and gave her a sheepish smile.

"My eyesight won't allow me to have a good look at it. Why don't you come inside? My son is outside and might reach here any minute. You can meet him once he is here." She was about to set her foot inside when he said," he is out with his family. His wife is expecting, and she wanted to spend some time outside the home."

That made her go still in her tracks.

'Then ... I guess I am at the wrong place, s...sir." She stepped back.

"Kid! Even if it's the wrong place you can stay here. At least spend the night. I can give you my late wife's clothes and tomorrow, I will ask my driver to take you wherever you want to go."

At this point, Leigh wanted to take the offer, but she shook her head and turned away. This was the wrong place, and this Ashton was not her

Ashton. That garage man lied to her.

It was raining heavily so she didn't cross the main gates and stayed inside the boundary, under a small umbrella on a bench. The guards were kind enough to let her in.

Half an hour must have passed when the same old man came out carrying a tray covered with a lid.

She gulped down and looked at it hungrily when he removed the lid. It had two hard-boiled eggs, with a honey-oat bread piece. There was also a steaming cup of hot chocolate.

She raised her tear-filled eyes at him and nodded her head, thanking him silently.

"As you are not interested in coming inside so I brought it here. The offer is still open though. Warm bed with warm clothes." He said with a kind smile and went back inside.

She attacked the food like a hungry beast slurping the chocolate drink with every bite.

"God! You must be hungry!" she asked her baby and laughed loudly when it kicked inside, "Ouch! Brat!" She really liked the bread. It seemed home- baked.

She finished everything on the tray in no time. Opening the address paper, she ran her gaze and started thinking about what to do next.

Maybe go back and wait for Ashton there? But right now, she couldn't go back like this. The first bus would be available early morning around six a.m.

Should she take the old man’s offer? He seemed to be a nice man.

However, Sandy had instructed her quite strictly, not to trust anyone.

Rubbing her belly, at last, she thought to stand up to scurry to the door again and return the tray. She won't ask the nice old man to take her in. But if he would offer her again, she would accept it this time.

She was about to stand up when she heard the car horn, and the gates were opened by a guard. The car sped inside and halted. The car doors started opening and she heard the giggling sounds of the kids and a woman.

Seemed like a picture-perfect family. With a smile, she lifted her feet to walk, and then her feet froze. There ... getting down from the driving seat was Ashton.

Her Ashton. He hadn't seen her yet.

"Honey! How was the trip? Are you happy now?” he asked the woman with a little bulging belly who sprinted to him to hug him tight.

'Thank you so much, Ashton!" Leigh was repeatedly squeezing and opening her eyes in disbelief watching the couple kissing each other and their kids clapping and hooting. Both kids seemed to be four or five years of age.

Just then the woman saw her and pulled away from the man.

"What? What is it?" he asked his wife and followed her gaze.

Surprise! That’s what she saw in Ashton's eyes. When all this time she was struggling all alone with her unborn baby getting drained physically and emotionally. Here he was enjoying his life with his family.

"Go inside." He told his family without turning around in a hard, no- nonsense tone.

His family was glued to the spot instead of obeying his command while he walked to her.

'What are you doing here?” he was not expecting her to find him like this. He again turned to his family and shouted, "Didn't you listen to me the first time? Get lost! Go inside!"

Not only Leigh but his family also jumped in fright.

His wife didn't forget to look at her huge baby bump before leaving them alone.

Leigh didn't utter a word and looked at the man with her arms folded on her chest.

"How you found me?" he asked her, but she kept tapping her foot.

"Do you think this is the right question to ask, Ashton?" she said with the confidence she did not feel anymore.

He sighed and covered his face with his palms.

'This is a nightmare. Please tell me this is all a ..." He said shaking his head, "What exactly brought you here? I gave you lots of money. I didn’t leave you on your own." "Didn't leave me on my own? Ashton? All this time when I was crying and begging you to take me with you and here you were enjoying your family time? You have a wife and kids!” "Listen, honey..." "STOP calling me honey!” she hissed, and he raised his hands in surrender.

"Ok. I am sorry. Look. That's why I never wanted a kid. You do know how strict I was about it. Then it happened. But I took responsibility. Right? I left money for you... Lots of it." "Ashton! You took responsibility? For this child? What responsibility are you talking about? Is this the only responsibility of a father? If that's the way, it is ... then... why don't you leave your family with lots of cash and stay with me? You said you love me!" she looked at him with narrowed eyes.

She was not the kind of woman who would force a man to leave his family for her. But right now, she was hurt.

"I... I am sorry, Leigh!” this time he quickly turned back to check if his family member was still there. He took a sigh of relief when he didn't find them.

"See. I am a family man. And I am..." "Family man? Family? Ha-ha." She laughed and then started crying, "Why?" she asked him brokenly, "Why Ashton?" "B...Because I loved you, Leigh! I truly did. B... But I am scared of my family.

My wife. She is dominant as hell. I am not happy with her."

The moment he said it, the picture of the perfect family revolved before her eyes getting down the car, laughing and giggling.

She chewed her lower lip and started laughing. She laughed so hard that Ashton Garner thought she had gone crazy.

"Listen, Leigh." He turned back his head to check if someone was watching them and held Leigh's shoulders, "Go home. I will come to you and give you more money, Leigh.” Leigh looked at the man who she thought was in love with her.

He was a mean, non-sense prick.

The door of the house opened, and the older man came out who seemed kinder as compared to his son.

"Ashton!" he called him, "this lady is looking for an Ashton. Can you help her?” he asked but stopped dead in his tracks. His gaze ran between Leigh and Ashton and how he was holding her.

'Wh...what is going on here?" "Dad! I think you should go inside." Ashton told him rudely and turned to her.


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