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Ouch! my ceo fiancé fell for his maid by Lisa alman novel Chapter 125

5- It's My Place, Long Legs! (Book 2)

'Where are we exactly going?" I turned to him in his luxury car when he turned the steering to an unknown route. The road over there seemed a bit rough and patchy. I didn't think if I had ever been to this part of Arguli.

"Don’t worry, I am not kidnapping you," he reassured me jokingly, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. "Do you like water? Like going to the beaches and all."

A big grin settled on my face, "Oh, I love it!" I told him excitingly, "Are we going to Arguli Beach?" "No," he replied, his smile growing wider. "We're not going to the Arguli beach though. We're going a little deeper than that. But don't worry, wherever you don't find it comfortable, just let me know."

As we continued driving, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with curiosity. Where was he taking me?

Finally, he pulled up in front of a small cabin with kayaks lined up outside. That's when it hit me. We were going kayaking!

"We’re going kayaking?" I asked, my voice laced with surprise.

‘Yes," he replied with a grin. "I thought it would be a fun way for us to explore the deeper side of the sea."

Yoyo! I was touched by his thoughtfulness. Man! It was refreshing to know that he loved water as much as I did.

As we walked towards the kayaks, he showed me how to put on the life jacket and helped me into the kayak. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins as we paddled out into the ocean.

The water was a brilliant blue-green, and the sun was shining down on us. I couldn't believe I was out on the water with him, paddling side-by-side, the two of us a tiny speck on the vast, open ocean.

As we glided along, the rhythmic sound of the paddles hitting the water was soothing, and the view of the deep sea was breathtaking. The wind blew through my hair, and I couldn't help but feel alive.

I could see the joy in his eyes as well and that just made the moment even more special. It was such a simple yet beautiful surprise. I knew whether we decided to stay together or not it was going to be a memory that I would treasure forever.

It was then that I realized that we shared the same interests. Books and water.

Testing the deeper water was fine. But I was not ready to fall for anyone right now.

"You seem to know about kayaking so well," I say as we leave the paddles, and the kayak starts rocking in the sea.

"Yeah, I do. I used to do it a lot when I was a child, along with my father.

We both used to love it a lot," "Really? That's amazing," I say, smiling at him, "I had never been kayaking before until today. It's quite an experience being out here in the middle of the ocean."

He looked at me with thoughtful eyes, the sunlight dancing in those green orbs, and he nodded, "It is, isn't it? There's something so peaceful about being out here surrounded by water. It's like everything else just fades away and it's just you and the sea."

I looked out at the endless expanse of blue, feeling a sense of calm wash over me. "I can see why you love it so much. It's like a different world out here. So peaceful. So calm."

He chuckled, "Yeah, it definitely is. You know, my father used to tell me that the sea has a way of healing you. Whenever he was feeling stressed or overwhelmed, he would take me out on the kayak, and we would just paddle out into the ocean. And by the time we came back, he would always feel better."

I looked at him with curiosity. "Do you feel that way too? Like the ocean has the power to heal you?" I wish I could ask him if I would ever get healing from this intense pain I usually felt in my chest. The pain that my doctors used to relate to anxiety. Depression.

His voice came through my random thoughts, "I think so, long legs. There's something about the sound of the waves and the feeling of the water that just puts everything into perspective. It's like all your problems just become smaller in comparison to the vastness of the ocean."

We sat in silence for a few moments, both lost in our thoughts before he spoke again. "I'm glad I can share this experience with you. It means a lot to me. I never spoke this much to anyone. Never shared about this ocean diminishing our problems crap!"

I smile at him warmly. "It's not crap," I told him gently, 'Thank you for bringing me out here."

As we paddled back to the shore, we started joking and teasing each other. He pretended to splash water at me with the paddle and I screamed and laughed, playfully pushing him away.

"Hey, watch it!" I said, trying to keep a straight face. "I don't want to get soaked. I haven’t gotten an extra pair of clothes!"

He grinned mischievously. "Oh, come on, where's your sense of adventure?" the gleam in his eyes multiplied, 'There is a reason you have got a beautiful figure!"

God! Did he just tell me subtly and playfully that I could roam around without my clothes just because I had a beautiful figure?

"Shut up, Adonis. And I think I used all my sense of adventure out there on the ocean," I said, winking at him.

We continued to joke around, and I couldn't help but felt a sense of comfort around him. It was like we'd known each other for years, not just for a few hours.

As we neared the shore, we started to slow down and focused on steering the kayak back onto the sand. Once we were safely on shore, we both jumped out of it and started to drag it up onto the beach.

"Wow, that was quite the adventure," he said, stretching his arms above his head.

I nod in agreement trying to avoid looking at the muscles, "Yeah, it was amazing. I never thought I'd enjoy kayaking so much. It was the first time I tried it."

He chuckled, "Well, I'm glad that you had fun." He shifted back my hair gently over my shoulder.

"Thank you for taking me out there. I had a really fun time."

He waved his hand dismissively, "No need to thank me, long legs. It was my pleasure."

We stood there for a moment, the warm sun on our faces and the sound of the waves in the background before he broke the silence.

"So, what do you say we grab some ice cream and continue this adventure on land?"

I laughed, "What? Really? Are you serious?" At this point, I was expecting a goodbye from him, "Sounds like a plan. Just this time don't try to splash me with it."

He grinned and rolled his eyes, "Ah. That, I guess, I will decide later. No promises."

As we drove back to town, the sun started to set, casting a golden glow over the ocean. We giggled for a while, reminiscing about our playful banter on the water.

Once we arrived in town, I was surprised when he stopped the car in front of the mall. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What are we doing here? Shopping?" "Just some window shopping to kill time," he replied with a grin. "If you see anything you like, feel free to buy it. Or we can just grab an early lunch."

I looked around the mall, but nothing caught my eye. "I'm not really in the mood for shopping," I said with a shrug., "By the way I can afford to buy my own things, Adonis," I informed him a little too seriously.

"Of course, you can." He did not seem the least bit offended, "After all you are the owner of a beauty salon who might be thinking or planning to branch out in the near future." He shrugged.

Ah! I wish I could share my salon plans with him. But that didn't seem appropriate as he stated earlier... We were just testing the waters.

‘Yeah. And I might ask you to buy me furniture for my upcoming branch." I waved my hand dramatically, "Once my branches will be all over the USA, I might be buying the latest model of Mercedes Benz and take you on a drive."


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