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Ouch! my ceo fiancé fell for his maid by Lisa alman novel Chapter 37

37- Under The Radar

Ashley Walters pov

When I woke up from my slumber, I was no more alone in bed. Two strong arms were around me, along with a quilt. I did not remember covering myself with the quilt. He was behind me and I could feel his hot breath on the nape of my neck.

I turned my head and found his amber eyes looking straight into mine.

“Justin?” I smiled and shifted my body a little closer to him, “You are awake?”

A few days back if someone would have told me that I would be sharing a bed with a grown ass hot man in the future, I would never have believed it.

“I don’t believe in day naps, Ashley.” He kissed my cheek and sat up leaning on the headboard, “You need to get ready before you miss your dinner. Remember? We need to go down for our meals now.

“On it, sir.” I saluted and jumped out of the bed, “By the way,” I stopped at the bathroom door, “I enjoyed our meals more in this room. Just wanted to let you know.”

Without waiting for him to remark, I got inside.

We both came down where not only granny and Ashley were already seated, but Nadia and Shella were

also there.

This was the first time, I was facing them after that drama I created while punching and hitting Sean.

“Hello, Ash. We were planning a party for you.”

This was Shella who informed me, and God knew why I felt as if she was trying to force that smile on her


Being a small–town girl if I could feel it then I was sure Justin could feel it too.

“Yes, Ashley.” Sarah clapped her hands. She was sitting right in front of us with her friends, “I so want to throw a party for you. I just can’t wait to let you meet new people.”

For me, parties had been to stay awake late at night to enjoy pizza or watch movies or sneak out with my girlfriends and enjoy the weekend nights together.

Aniya used to know her connections to give us entry into a pub as being underage, we were not allowed inside. Sometimes strangers used to offer us beer.

Parties thrown by wealthy people were something I watched only in movies. Never had a first hand experience with such lavish parties.

“I … I would love that, Sarah,” I said and started eating from my plate. They all knew the correct use of

forks, knives, and spoons.

I simply lacked these manners. Justin kept filling my plate when he thought I was not looking, and I found that cute. He did not give a damn if Sarah or her friends would like it or not.

This man was getting so close to my heart at a dangerous pace.

I did not know what got into me while eating with one hand I slipped my other one below the table and held his hand.

He seemed surprised but he quickly masked it and squeezed my hand in return. I needed to go up to my room early because tonight I needed to reach my job place.

“So, it’s done.” Sarah hit her hands on the table, “Tomorrow night it is. We all will party. Yayyy.” Her friends hooted raising their hands in the air.

“No, no. Not at night!” I got worried. Nobody knew about my night job except Justin. I could not get an off so soon that too for a party.

The job was the only outlet for me, and I simply could not afford to lose it.

“Well,” Nadia rolled her eyes, “Parties are supposed to be at night Ashely.” She was trying to hold back her laughter maybe because of Justin’s presence.

“She is right, Ashley.” Sarah agreed to her but unexpectedly she outstretched her hand to give me a serving tray that had lots of kebabs, “Eat it. We will come up with something soon. If night time is not suitable for you. We will change it.”

She gave me a tight–lipped smile. I took the tray and put some kebabs on my plate. She was not as spoiled as I used to think.

She was a good girl. I was starting to like her.

I excused myself and left the table. Sarah waved at me cheerfully so did her friends. I won’t deny that it all seemed fake. But what if she was really sincere and wanted to put in an effort?

He must be stunned and chuckled, “For what? For trying to fulfill my responsibility? No, kitten. I wish I had done it earlier.”


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