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Ouch! my ceo fiancé fell for his maid by Lisa alman novel Chapter 96

96-Anything For You!

Ashley Walters pov

I felt something in my mouth and tried to gag.

What the hell!

My lashes unclasped and I tried to spit that thing.

“What is this? Yuck!” I groaned in my sleep and wondered if Aniya or Eve had prepared coffee. I needed a strong cup.

Gosh! My head might explode anytime now.

“EVE!” I tried to call her loudly, “COFFEE! PLEASE!” My eyes fluttered close when I again felt that strange thing on my tongue.

“Kitten!” Said a sleepy male voice beside me, “Edith would bring you, coffee, love.”

The voice reminded me of Justin. Sigh!



My eyes flew open. His head was there on my chest and his long curls were getting inside my mouth.

“Umm. Justin? Is it you? Move away!” I pushed him with all my might and propped up on my elbows. Memories from the previous night started hitting me right in the head.

I was almost a mess in bed. The quilt was wrapped around my body and the almost naked man beside me was glued to me leaving more than half the side of his bed.

“Let’s go to sleep,” his arm pulled me towards him making me fall on his head.

“Ouch, Justin! Leave me!” I rolled my eyes and hit his shoulder with a fist, “I need to go to the bathroom.” At first, I thought he didn’t hear me and went back to sleep.

But then his grip loosened around me, giving me a chance to get

up and rush to the bathroom.

and got myself cleaned. As usual! I was

“You will find an extra toothbrush in there.” I heard him yellin around him for less than twenty four hours and again I didn’t have my supplies with me.

No extra pair of clothing. No brush. No facewash.

I took the shower and put on a bathrobe instead of wearing back my clothes. When I came out Justin was

no more there in the room.

Maybe he was using the other bathroom.

Iran my gaze, looking for a wall clock, and froze. It was two in the noon. I missed my classes. I missed

my God damn presentation.

“JUSTIN!” I roared and went out of the room, “JUSTIN! WHERE ARE YOU?”

“He went out a few minutes back.” Edith came out of the kitchen all smiling.

“How dare, he left, leaving me here.” I knew I was acting like a b*itch. But my professors always respected me. I built a reputation in these two years.

Missing a presentation without informing them was something irresponsible on my behalf. And the one to

96 Anything For You!

be blamed for it was not even in sight.

I went back to the bedroom and instead of staying there, brought my phone out. I switched it on and started scrolling through it.

There were dozens of messages from Eve and Aniya but also from Gerald. He was back at Arguli university dorm and wanted to meet me.

“Edith. Can I get something to eat?” I asked the woman and started responding to the messages. My first one was to Gerald.

“I am sorry for not making it today. I overslept last night and missed my classes and presentation. I will meet you tomorrow and explain everything.”

I about to type a message to Aniya and Eve when my phone started ringing. It was Gerald.


“Hey!” I leaned back on the headrest.

“Ashley Walters! You missed university because you overslept? For some odd reason, I am not buying it.”

“Why?” I laughed, “Can’t I get my sleep?”

“Yes, you can. But you are someone who will never miss her classes even if there is a tornado or a tsunami.” He said matter of factly, and he was not wrong.

“Yeah. Something important came up. I will explain everything when we meet tomorrow.”

“Sure. By the way are you well? Like… if you are in any trouble then you can rely on me. I am your friend

who wants to stay by your side. No matter what the situation is

The worry in his voice made me smile and it warmed my heart. He was became judgmental.

gem of a person who never

I had always seen him showing empathy to everyone around him and at times he had to face bullying from people like Rayan.

“And what kind of trouble are we talking about, Gerald?”

“Uh. I mean maybe you have been kidnapped or something and the kidnapper is standing there close to you, and you are not able to …”

He made it sound like he was teasing me, but I knew him better. It was almost alien to everyone if I was not attending my university.

“So, if that’s the case just say a code word to let me know what I need to do to save you.”

“You are a sweetheart, Gerald.” A smile tugged at the corner of my lips, “I am not kidnapped but trust me. If I’m in trouble, you will be the first one I’ll call for help.”

“Thanks,” I could imagine that signature sheepish smile on his lips, “I love you.”

“I know, honey. I love you too.” I kissed my phone and ended the call. However, I didn’t notice Justin who was standing there looking at me.

“Where were you? Look what you made me do. And when did you come back?” I stood up and caught the branded bag he tossed towards me.

“You were in the shower, and I wanted to make it quick. I was out to buy a decent dress for you.” He said casually and placed the car keys on the tabletop, “And about your second part of your question… I came inside when you were talking to this Gerald guy and was telling him that you love him before smacking your lips on that phone.”

He said in a chilling tone and marched inside the room. What did he mean by that?


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I went after him and saw him taking off his jacket. Before I could argue with him, he got inside the


In no way, I would try to clear my stance. He remained absent from my life and was aware that he could not expect me

to stay away from normal life.

Whether there was a curse or not. Nobody told me anything when they got me married to him and nobody bothered to share anything when I was thrown out of the mansion.

This was simply not fair.

When I heard him turning on the shower, I took out the dress, he had brought for me. It consisted of skinny black jeans paired with a spaghetti–strapped top.

The bag also contained lingerie in my perfect size. I quickly got dressed and left the room. Couldn’t afford to see him half nak*ed again after last night.

“Young Master will be joining you for breakfast, ma’am,” Edith informed me while setting the dinning table for two.


“Please set this table for breakfast. I don’t want to walk to the dining area.” I made the request with a smile. I didn’t have enough guts to look at the written chat over there.

“Ma’am. It’s covered with a tablecloth.” She tried to convince me. I was about to open my mouth when

we heard Justin behind me.

“Do as she says,” He said in an authoritative tone and didn’t wait for an answer before sitting beside me, I am sorry.” I heard him after Edith left for transferring all the breakfast.

“Please call me if you need anything.She said with a pleasant smile and left us alone.

“I am not asking you to change your lifestyle, Ashley. I only want one chance. That’s all I am asking from you. Just one chance!” I raised my index finger.


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