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Ouch! my ceo fiancé fell for his maid by Lisa alman novel Chapter 99

99- Some Privacy

Ashley Walters pov

Technically Aniya had the biggest bed among US. But I preferred to spend the night on MY bed.

Aniya poked an elbow in my tummy when she thought no one was watching, "Hmm. Small bed!" She wiggled her brows, "so that you can stay closer to him. Ooh... glued to him." She winked cockily and I had to control the smile that was not leaving my lips.

All I could do was kick her leg under the table.

After Eve served US beer cans we chatted until I could no longer stop yawning. Without waiting for a minute, Justin got to his feet and pulled me up.

"It's time to go to bed, kitten." He circled his arm around me.

"He is right," Eve nodded, "Good night, Ash. Good night, Justin."

"Night!" we responded to her.

Once inside the bedroom, I looked at my not too small but not too spacious enough bed that could hardly accommodate Justin and me.

Unless we would decide to snuggle.

I heard him sighing beside me, "I can use the couch, love. Don’t worry."

"No, no. You can use the bed and I can...." He didn't let me finish.

"Nah! Rubbish. The couch is perfect for me!"

"B...But how would you fit here ...."

"Shh..." he pulled me to him until my chest bumped into his hard body,"

Two years back... I had the biggest bed in my bedroom, yet you used a mattress in the corner of my room. If you can do it, why can't I?"

I could detect regret on his face.

"Whatever is done is done, Justin. No need to cry over spilled milk," I said holding his arms, "I urge you to sleep on the bed. The couch is perfect according to my height

But he stubbornly shook his head, 'That's not happening, Ash. Either let me sleep beside you. We had already slept, snuggled to each other." Chewing my inner cheek, I tried to hide the blush that crept on my cheeks.

Smacking his lips to my forehead, he went to the bathroom and that reminded me that he didn't have extra clothes with him.

Now, what should I do?

I started fishing for my longest and biggest pair of shorts. When the bathroom door opened, he came out with a towel around him.

I opened my mouth to talk when he quickly said, "Don't worry. I am not naked inside."

Rolling my eyes, I turned away and started rummaging through my cupboard. His nak*ed wet skin was putting silly thoughts in my mind.

"What are you doing here kitten," the familiar male cologne hit my nostrils when his arms wrapped around me and hugged me from behind.

"You don’t seem happy with my stay,” he said leaning his chin on my shoulder, "I won’t mind leaving the place if..."

"It's not that!" I said defensively and turned around, "I was just worried. You don't have anything to wear for the night. I think you should keep one or two extra pairs of clothes here. In case of emergency, you can ...” I didn't realize what I said until his mouth came down and grabbed my lips in a kiss.

My hands went to his nak*ed chest at once and started stroking it.

"Damn!" he pulled back and leaned his forehead against mine, "Are you sure about that offer? You really want me to keep my extra stuff here?

Because my hopes are skyrocketing."

I knew what he was implying. He wanted me to return to him. Not on his but on my own terms. He was giving me time. The space. The chance.

"No worries." He spoke gently caressing my cheek, "take your time, kitten. Take your time."

I managed a tight lipped smile and pulled back with great effort.

"Go to bed. I am taking the couch." I said stubbornly and placed my hand on the hip.

"This is not happening!" Urgh. We were back to square one. In a few strides, he went to the couch, opened the towel from his waist, and tossed it on my face, "Stop drooling, kitten. I know I am handsome. Now go to sleep. You don't want to get late tomorrow."

He laid back on the couch and covered himself with the extra comforter, Aniya provided US.

When I was out of the bathroom, he seemed to have gone to sleep.

"Good night, Justin," I whispered and was pleasantly surprised when heard his sleep filled response.

"Goodnight, love.”

I wish I could just lie there and keep staring at him like a creep. I could not believe it. He was not only back into my life but was sleeping on that couch right before my eyes.

I was almost tempted to call him and invite him to lie beside me. After all, we did sleep together the previous night.

He was not forcing himself on me nor he was trying to get glued to me. However, all I wanted to do was give up and hug him tightly to myself.


"Here is your omelet, ladies," Justin placed the plates in front of US. My lips were rolled between my teeth while Aniya and Eve were a little taken aback that a male ... like a hot handsome alpha male was serving them breakfast this morning.


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