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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 1622

Chapter 1622

Chapter 1622

Tail wiggled her bottom and said reluctantly, "Okay..." "This is a taxidermy cheetah," Edwin explained off-the-cuff, not even needing to glance at the label. "It's the undisputed sprint king of the animal kingdom. An adult cheetah can reach speeds of 100 kilometers per hour in just a few seconds, with acceleration comparable to that of an ordinary sports car."

Tail had no concept of what 100 kilometers per hour meant. Her eyes opened wide and were filled with confusion.

"For example," Edwin continued, "from home to the museum, an adult cheetah could make two round trips in just an hour."

Two round trips...

That was a long distance! Tail's eyes lit up at once.

"It runs so fast."

Edwin went on to explain, "But it also has a fatal weakness: its stamina is limited. Although it can sprint very fast, its speed will naturally slow down over time. That's why every time a cheetah goes hunting, it tries to get to its prey as close as possible."

Tail nodded in understanding.

Joanne noticed a hare specimen nearby and added, "There are also some animals that don't run as fast as cheetahs but have great stamina. They can keep running at an even speed for a long time, like the hare."

"Just like in the hare and tortoise race? The tortoise is slow, but it keeps crawling and crawling until it finally beats the hare."

"That's right." Edwin agreed with a nod of approval.

Joanne smiled and asked, "So do you want to be the little rabbit with better stamina or the cheetah who is the king of sprinting?"

Tail scrunched up her little nose and declared, "I want to be a cheetah-rabbit."

A cheetah-rabbit?

"Why should I have to choose? Can't I run fast and have good stamina at the same time?" Tail asked back, tilting her head innocently.

Chapter 1622 1


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