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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Recalling the days he divorced Emma, Trevor clenched his teeth with hatred.

Getting dressed was relatively easy. His ties, watches, cufflinks, collar clips, and other accessories were found in the dressing room, but he had a hard time looking for other items in the house.

When he wanted to drink a glass of water, he had to rummage through the kitchen cabinets for a long time before finding the one Emma prepared for him.

When he wanted to have a cup of coffee, he also had to fiddle with the coffee machine for a long time, but the taste was unsatisfactory.

Emma liked to keep the house tidy, so she would usually clear the clutter at first instance.

In addition to that, they lived in a big house. Once, he was infuriated by himself while trying to look for something, so he stubbed his toe against a cabinet next to


He was annoyed by Emma‘s selfishness. When she wanted to marry him, she pestered him all day and night.

Once she got sick of him, she made a fuss about getting a divorce and simply left without even turning back. In fact, she even made him look like a dummy without any life skills. If she had a conscience, she would have explained to him where she placed the daily necessities.

Hah.Ungrateful woman.

Zachary glanced at Trevor and said softly, I think if this continues, Wesley might win over Emma‘s heart soon.” After that, he added, “He would appreciate her talent in her career and affirm her ability.”

Then, he evaluated, “If she is criticized, he would take the initiative to confess, and provide her psychological support and care. If she isn‘t feeling well, he would be concerned about her, or perhaps, cook for her. Oh, Trevor. Wesley is a great example of a man pursuing a woman.”

Hearing that, Trevor paused in the middle of inhaling his cigarette.

After a while of silence, Kaleb looked at him and uttered seriously, “Trevor, Emma received too little love and care from you. She‘ll be easily moved by other men who treat her well.”

Zachary chimed in, “Yeah. It‘s pretty common to love a woman to the point you‘ll

spoil her rotten until other men can‘t stand her. Because, only then, she‘ll never be able to leave you.”

Kaleb nodded and agreed with Zachary. “But what about you?”

Trevor never showed his love for Emma. All he did was neglect her and behave indifferently to her.

Kaleb didn‘t say these words so as to not trigger his friend, so Trevor should have fully known how he treated Emma.

Listening to his friend‘s comments, Trevor took a deep breath. Their words might be harsh, but at the same time, he felt a little anxious.

Zachary added, “Can you tell me why you‘re holding a bunch of flowers?”

Trevor flicked the soot and replied lightly, “She used to decorate the house with these, so I guess she likes them...”

Zachary spread his hands and asked him with a smile, “Since when were you interested in her feelings? Why did you start considering her preferences?”

After pursing his lips, Trevor looked at Zachary while he uttered bluntly, “With all due respect, you need to take a good look at yourself. To be exact, you need to take a good look at your heart and what kind of feelings you have toward her.”

In a relationship, outsiders were usually able to see the situation clearer than the people involved directly.

As bystanders, Zachary and Kaleb could sense a change in Trevor‘s attitude toward Emma, even though Trevor himself thought otherwise

As his good friends, they had to point this out to remind Trevor because they did not want him to miss his chance with Emma again.

Trevor merely glanced at the two and remained silent.


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