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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 104

Chapter 104 The smile on Crystal‘s face was a little stiff as she replied, “I guess he‘s done with work...”

Someone quickly chimed in, “Oh, he must be here to pick you up! How considerate. He came to escort you home after work.”

Another person smiled. “That‘s right! Superstar Crystal is such a beauty. He shouldn‘t be letting his guards down.”

These words should have sounded great for Crystal, but she felt extremely tormented inside because outsiders didn‘t know that Trevor wanted to draw the line with her.

However, she refused to believe that Trevor would not compromise. Whether it was her father‘s power or her father‘s kindness to the Bateson Family, he would end up marrying her.

She thought that this might just be a temporary thing for Trevor, and he would later compromise. That was why she tried so hard to maintain the illusion of their intimate relationship to outsiders.

Never did she expect him to come over so suddenly. He had clearly told Alice that he would not participate in the event.

If Trevor ignored her on the spot tonight, she would be extremely awkward.

To avoid that from happening, she hurriedly excused herself. “I‘m going to the washroom.”

With that, she turned around and left to avoid Trevor.

Crystal, who was hiding in the washroom, called Arianna right away, but the latter did not pick up her phone even after several calls. Crystal was sure she was chatting enthusiastically with some other man.

In fact, she had long been annoyed with Arianna‘s character. She brought her more harm than good most of the time!

Now that she had no idea how to deal with the situation, she could only hide in the washroom for the meantime. Dealing with such a flustering situation, she felt her hatred toward Emma grow stronger.

If Trevor really came for Emma...

Crystal bit her lip and decided that she must make Emma pay the price.

Outside the washroom, the ladies who were with Crystal just now greeted Trevor warmly when they saw him walking in. “President Bateson, Crystal just went to the bathroom.”

Trevor glanced coldly at the woman who was speaking and walked away without responding

The woman said to her companion beside her bewilderedly, “What was that expression just now? Why does he look like I shouldn‘t have mentioned Crystal in front of him?”

“Who knows?” The other person uttered in disdain. “To be honest, I don‘t know what

Trevor likes about Crystal. She acts like a bitch, yet he wants to marry her.”

It seemed that Crystal was quite unpopular. After that person started the rant about Crystal, someone else immediately echoed, “I agree! Didn‘t she become popular because of Trevor?”

There were so many beauties in the entertainment industry who were better than Crystal.

Crystal‘s popularity was not built based on her acting skills but from the support she gained from Trevor.

Nevertheless, Crystal was always self–righteous, thinking that she became successful because of her hard work, acting skills, and beauty.

Honestly, Trevor did not care about the affairs between the women at all. He decided to walk over to Zachary but he already caught Emma’s figure in his sight.

Wearing a black floor–length dress, she stood beside Wesley, smiling brightly while chatting with a few people.

Her makeup today, especially her eyeliner, was so thick that it made her eyes look beautiful and sharp. It suited the shape of her eyes, and it was a side of her that he had never seen before.

“You–” Zachary handed him a glass of wine, not knowing what words to describe his friend.

After he sent the message, he turned away to chat with someone, and suddenly, Trevor was there. Wasn‘t it obvious that he had a lingering affection for Emma?

Trevor did not answer him but merely downed a glass of wine with a cold face, but the next second, he spitted everything out.

It was not a huge deal, but when Emma turned around, he saw her exposed back.

Ever since he entered the hall, all he saw was her front, so the dress seemed normal.


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