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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Cerys went to visit Emma with lunch, but Emma was a little surprised when she saw the logo of the food box in her hands. “Why did you order from such an expensive restaurant?”

Emma knew that this restaurant was owned by Zachary. It was quite renowned in Jonestown, but it was also notoriously expensive.

Cerys smiled and replied, “President Bateson bought it. He said that you were injured last night because of him.”

“Please tell him I said thanks,” said Emma.

After that, Cerys placed the meal on the dining table and inquired, “How is your foot?”

“It‘s much better now. The swelling began to subside after I sprayed pain relievers.”

“That‘s good. If you need help, feel free to contact me.”


The two chatted while eating, and soon, lunch was over.

After eating, Cerys got up and bid goodbye. “I‘m going back to work now. Have a good rest.”

“Okay,” Emma replied. “My foot is fine, so don‘t feel obliged to deliver food to me.”

The implication was that she did not want to accept Trevor‘s favor anymore.

“Okay,” Cerys readily responded.

She did not have to come again, but her boss would come instead.

After Cerys left, Emma continued to devote herself to writing the script. Throughout the process, she made herself a cup of coffee to refresh herself, and in a blink of an eye, it was dark again.

When the doorbell rang, Emma thought it was Susanna.

As soon as she opened the door, the person standing outside was Trevor instead.

He was carrying a fancy–looking takeaway box that looked like the same one in the afternoon as he stared at her blankly,

“Why_” Before Emma could finish her sentence, Trevor strode into her house with his long legs.

Emma was not even able to say anything before being interrupted, “Have you eaten yet?”

“No...” Apart from the aroma of the coffee, there was no smell of food at all in her house. She could not even lie even if she wanted to.

Trevor set the food he brought on the table and suggested, “I brought some food. Let‘s eat together.”

Hearing that, Emma didn‘t know how to respond. She did not expect that there would be a day when Trevor would put down his pride and come to her. Although she should thank him for bringing her food, she was reluctant to welcome him.

Nevertheless, since he had already taken a seat, it was not nice for her to pull a long face and kick him out, so she washed her hands and sat down opposite him.

The two of them were relatively quiet during the meal.

They were introverts, so they used to be really quiet with each other even back then, besides being passionate in bed.

She could not fathom how Trevor, a ruthless and aloof person, would completely change when he got into bed. His fanatical desires always overwhelmed her, forcing her to beg for mercy.

When these indecent thoughts suddenly popped up in her mind, her face turned scarlet, so she quickly coughed to cover up her embarrassment.

“Why is your face so red? Do you have a fever?” Trevor questioned as he reached out, trying to touch her forehead.

Emma was so frightened that she quickly dodged him, leaving Trevor‘s hand awkwardly placed in front of her.

“I’m fine. I just feel a liule warm,” said Emma quickly. Seeing that, Trevor retracted his hand gracefully, glanced at her, and uttered, “Why are you blushing? We‘re just having a meal together.”

Emma was flustered to hear that.

Did he assume that she still had lingering feelings for him and that she was feeling shy and excited to eat with him?

What a narcissist!

Emma was so upset that she suddenly lost her appetite for food. Noticing that she had not eaten much, Trevor, for the first time in his life, took the initiative to place food on her plate.


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