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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118

Christopher was shocked. For a moment, he was conflicted about whether he should be happy or sad about the news.

His well–educated, agnostic grandson had actually agreed to visit a fortune teller. It was clear Trevor truly wished to know what his chances were with Emma.

More accurately, he was yearning to hear some good news that could alleviate his current frustrations.

After four whole years, Christopher finally realized just how great of a woman she was and how important she was to him, which should have made him happy.

On the other hand, she was currently dating Wesley, so Trevor might not have a chance now. Sadness rose in Christopher once more.

Even so, he quickly calmed down. “Come with me to the mountain later,” he said to

Trevor. “Don‘t head to the office just yet.”

“The mountain?” Trevor asked, confused.

“Yes. We are going to the church up the mountain,” Christopher explained. “The priest is a good friend of mine. He would be our best option as he has mentioned that he can help us and keep it a secret.”

Trevor agreed.

Not far away from the beautiful home of Christopher was a mountain that was a famous tourist spot.

People said that it was good luck to visit the church there. As Christopher spent most of his time living alone, he would frequently visit the priest to play chess with him. After some time, they grew to be friends.

When the two men arrived at the church, the priests had finished their morning prayers. When they saw Christopher, they hurriedly led him to the internal courtyard.

The scent of sandalwood could be found everywhere within the church and the trees were huge and thriving.

Trevor frowned. Frankly speaking, he never liked churches and places of worship. However, for some reason, he found himself agreeing to have a word with the priest.

Since when did he become someone who entrusted his life to the hands of others? Still, he was here now. Hence, he followed his grandfather as they were led to the


The priest was of the same age as Christopher and had a white beard on top of a kind look.

When he was told of the reason for their visit, he tugged his beard a few times before handing Trevor a bunch of candles, telling him to pick one.

After that, he chose a candle and waited for further instructions from the priest, who then recited, “The April‘s in her eyes; it is love‘s spring–nevermore. Kid, you better pray more since there is no hope for you and that girl. Take some time to offer your prayers in search of someone else.”

The priest‘s words caused Christopher to panic as the man couldn‘t help feeling worried since it was certainly an unlucky phrase.

“Utter nonsense!” Trevor exclaimed in fury after he had a moment to process what he was told. He then abruptly strode away.

What kind of words was that? He was already regretting going along with his grandfather‘s idea. Since Trevor was the only master of his fate, he would be the only one to decide what his future would be with Emma.

“Oh, you stupid bral!” Christopher shouted as he went after Trevor. “How can you be so rude?”

Trevor did not care for his grandfather‘s lecture, however, and walked out of the church.

This was a stupid place!

He would never take a step here ever again!


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