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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68

“Why are you getting so worked up?” Simon retorted casually. “Even though you two are divorced, his showing up right now implies that there‘s still something going on between you guys.”

“Emma, could it be that you and Trevor pretended to get a divorce just for the sake of being rid of Dad and me?”

Emma was quivering with anger. She opened her mouth to speak several times, but in her state of fury, she could not find the words to express herself.

The very thing she had vowed to keep secret just a few moments ago was now exposed to the world by Simon.

That did it now. All the policemen here heard him.

Trevor walked over to her and pulled her back as he said, “Why do you bother dealing with a guy like him?”

He wanted to pull Emma further away from Simon, but when he grasped her arm, he could feel how violently she was shaking.

He pursed his lips as his hand moved down to clasp her clammy, trembling hand.

Simon saw what Trevor was doing, and he began to laugh gleefully.

He eyed the two police officers beside him and barked arrogantly, “Did you see that, huh? Mr. Bateson is my brother–in–law. Hurry up and let go of me! Let go!”

“Simon Yates!” Emma screeched in anger.

She knew how shameless Simon was, but she never thought he would behave so brazenly.

After causing such a ruckus, he still had the guts to use Trevor‘s name as an excuse to throw his weight around.

Simon threw a meaningful glance at Emma and Trevor‘s hands that were still clasped together before saying suggestively, “Look at how intimate you two are, holding hands and all, but you‘re still refusing to admit that you lied about getting a divorce, huh?”

Emma glanced down at once, and she finally realized that Trevor was holding her hand.

Ashen–faced, she struggled to get out of his grip. Earlier on, she had been so caught

up in her fury at Simon that she did not notice that Trevor held her hand.

The two police officers ignored Simon‘s words. They continued to restrain him as they declared solemnly, “You‘re under suspicion for causing a public disturbance, sir. I’m afraid you‘ll have to come with us to the police station.”

Simon tried to say something in response, but Trevor interrupted by addressing the two police officers and saying, “Please carry on, officers.”

In other words, he was asking them to get Simon out of here at once.

Simon began to yell his head off once more. “Emma! Is this how you treat your brother?!”

“Have you no conscience?!”

“Trevor! Brother–in-law, hurry up and stop them!”

As the four police officers carted a raging Simon off, Trevor glanced at Cerys. She got the hint and followed them downstairs.

Trevor‘s look implied that she needed to remind the police officers to not let anyone find out about today‘s incident.

After working for Trevor for so many years, Cerys was quick to pick up on these things.

Once the apartment door closed and Simon‘s hollering was no longer ringing in Emma‘s ears, her body grew limp and she crumpled to the ground.

This was the sight that greeted Trevor when he turned around after closing the door. He was half–amused and half–exasperated by her current state,

He walked over and stared at her imperiously as he commented, “Scared? Lost all your spunk?”


Emma bit her lip. Her head hung so low that it nearly touched her knees.

She was the living embodiment of someone who could not hold her head up high.

I knew it. I knew he would start mocking me. I knew he would enjoy seeing me down in the dumps.

“Go and sit on the couch.” His voice rang out.


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