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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Emma consoled Cerys gently, “We can‘t change a lot of things about the family we‘re born into. The only thing we can change is ourselves.”

She was not in any way better off when it came to her family either.

While her deceased mother had loved her, cared for her, and protected her, Simon and Steven had always treated her terribly.

It hurt her at first, but once she found out the reason for this, she no longer held any expectations.

Cerys nodded wistfully. “You‘re right. We can only work on ourselves.”

“I have sworn that if I ever have children in the future, I would never treat them differently simply because of their gender:

Unfortunately, she didn‘t think she would ever bear a child in this life.

She was unwilling to go through ten months of agony, along with the pain of childbirth, if the child did not belong to the man she loved.

A woman like her, with her kind of background, could not become the wife of the man she loved with all her heart.

Emma and Cerys continued to chat for a bit, but at last, Cerys got up to leave. “I need to head back to the office now. Make yourself at home.”

“I‘ll prepare a delicious feast for you as thanks for all your help,” Emma declared.

“You like spicy food, right? Shall I make some beef chili, jalapeno poppers, and other stuff like that?”

Cerys had no idea that limma knew her preference for spicy food. She exclaimed in joy, “That‘s great! I haven‘t had a proper meal in such a long time.”

Her job as Trevor‘s secretary was indeed a prestigious and high–paying one, but it also came with its own challenges. Rarely did a day go by without her working overtime, and she ate all her meals at her desk.

“But can you cat spicy food?” Cerys expressed her concern.

She knew that Trevor did not touch spicy food at all due to his sensitive stomach. After three years with him, Emma might have developed a low tolerance for spice too.

However, Emma grinned and said, “Of course. I love eating spicy food.”

Cerys was surprised to hear that. “In that case, when you were still with Mr. Bateson

Emma waved her hand almost as if she was mocking her past self. “I eat spicy food by myself or when I go out with Susanna. I only avoided it at home.”

“I stopped myself from enjoying all the things I liked for a man who didn‘t love me at all. Don‘t you think I was such a fool back then?” Emma added.

Cerys did not know what to say.

There was nothing she could say.

Once Cerys had left for the office, Emma unpacked her things and settled into the guest room before giving Susanna a call.

When Susanna heard about the incident with Simon, she growled, “That b*stard! Does he want to take another beating from me?”

Emma had maintained excellent grades in college and would always receive a financial stipend every semester for her academic achicvements. Every single time, Simon would come to either force her or try to persuade her into handing that money over to him.

One time, Susanna was so pissed off that she dragged Simon off to a secluded corner and beat him up.

Susanna was good with her fists and not one to hold back at all, so Simon ended up being bedridden for quite some time. Ever since then, he came looking for Emma a lot less frequently.

Emma knew that Susanna was worried about her, but she said, “Violence won‘t solve this problem.”

“Just move in with me then. The security at my place is very tight. Simon won‘t be able to find his way in,” Susanna said.

“You‘re going to spend most of your time cooped up at home working on your scripts anyway. He‘ll stop once he realizes he can‘t get to you.” 1

Till send the keys to you at once, so you should move out of Cerys place as soon as possible. You never know what Trevor‘s intentions are.” Susanna was a woman of action; once she made up her mind, she would get right to it.


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