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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Trevor tricd to add Emma on Facebook before, but it did not go through. He sent her another friend request, but she deleted it again, even though he told her he had a file for her. She did not think there was any need for them to text in private, so she deleted the request.

Cerys took a minute away from work to call her. “Why didn‘t you accept Mr. Bateson‘s friend request, Emma?”

Emma was confused. “I don‘t think I have to do 1?” |

Cerys was a little miffed. She whispered, “This is a really important file.”

“He can text you the file, then you can text it to me. Or he can print it, and you can take it back home.” Emma did not budge. She didn‘t think he had any important files for her. They had been divorced for more than a year, and all the documents that needed signing had been signed during the divorce proceedings

Cerys had no idea what to say. She sighed. “Mr. Bateson almost never accepts anyone‘s friend request. Never thought that someone would refuse his request.”

Facebook was one of the biggest social medias, and most people would use it anywhere. Everyone would ask for someone‘s Facebook account right after they hit it off. However, Trevor almost never accepted anyone‘s friend request ever since he got an account, especially the women who were after his money. Cerys had a feeling he had less than ten friends on his friend list. There were probably only his friends, family, and employees there.

Emma chuckled. “Well, try asking him why he wouldn‘t accept his fans‘ friend requests. His answer is my answer.”

Cerys ended the call and went back to Trevor‘s office with resignation.

Trevor was fuming after he was rejected twice. When Cerys came back, he asked coldly, “What did she say?” I swear if she‘s still rejecting me, I‘ll leave her for dead. I won‘t add her ever again.

Cerys told him what Emma said. “She said you refused to accept anyone‘s request too, so she‘s refusing you with the same reasons.”

Trevor felt like he could burn everything to a crisp. He never accepted those women‘s requests because he couldn‘t be bothered with them, and they annoyed him. He never wanted to have anything to do with them. So she refuses to accept my request because she can‘t be bothered with me? And she doesn‘t want to have anything to do with me? He pursed his lips and took a few deep breaths, and he finally managed to hold back his anger.

Cerys asked tentatively, “Um, should I print those transaction records and take them to her?”

Trevor snorted. “No. She doesn‘t need my help, so she can perish.” I told her it‘s important. If she doesn‘t want to accept the request, then that means she won‘t accept my help. I don‘t need to waste my time on her.

Cerys answered, “I see. I‘ll get back to work now.” She then left.


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