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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Cerys explained, “Sir, Emma said she doesn‘t want to see you in case Miss Sanders tries to sabotage her again.”

Trevor‘s face fell, but he had to say that Emma was right about protecting herself. The thought of Simon telling him that she loved her and those tweets online frustrated him. She used to be so brave. She married me without caring what others thought of her, but now she‘s not seeing me because she‘s scared of Crystal? He said calmly, “I see.”

Cerys went back to work. Trevor opened the box and saw the card Emma wrote. The formal language frustrated him even more, so he tossed it into the bin. He did not even look at the pen. He was not interested as it was the same kind of pen he used, but still he texted, ‘I got the pen. Thank you!

Emma texted back right away, ‘I hope you like it!

Trevor snorted and kept texting, ‘Do you know what giving a pen means?‘

Emma was confused. There‘s a message in this too? I just picked it at random.

She was wondering what it meant when he texted, ‘It means “To remember our love story.”

Emma almost hurled her phone away. No, that‘s not what I meant! God, I just wanted to say thank you. She took a deep breath and texted, ‘That was not what I meant, Mr. Bateson. I‘m sorry if you took it the wrong way. Don‘t take it seriously.

Trevor was already annoyed in the first place, and her reply got on his nerves. He called Emma directly and said, “Simon said you knew me back in college.” He wanted to say she fell in love with him back in college, but he thought it sounded mushy, so he changed it.

Emma felt goosebumps all over. She had no idea why Simon would tell him something so far back. All she knew was that she did not want to deal with this now, so sh4 played dumb. “What‘d you say, Mr. Bateson?” She muttered to herself, “What‘s wrong with my phone? I can‘t even get any signal.” She then hung up right away.

That‘s stupid. Trevor was a smart man. Emma‘s poor acting could not fool him. She just refused to answer the question. Still, he did interpret the gift‘s meaning in another way to annoy her, so he deserved it.

She tossed her phone away after hanging up. It felt like a hot potato to her at the moment. What the heck was Simon thinking? Why did he tell him that? Just then, her phone buzzed. She received a text message from Trevor. ‘Simon and Steven have left Jonestown. You can move back now!


Emma was in shock and at a loss for words. They‘re gone? So I‘m finally free of them? She snapped out of it and realized that Trevor must have played a part in this. The Yates were cowards. They would never have let her go unless a powerful man like ‘Trevor lold them to. Trevor had gone even further and exiled them from the city.

Emma was a little confused. She was surprised that Trevor would help her again. Getting rid of the Yates from her life made things so much better. She gratefully texted, “Thank you. He didn‘ı text back this time. Emma called Susanna lo tell her about this. She then thought that only giving him a pen made her secm a bit ungrateful. She thought it was fine, but that was before Trevor chased the Yates away


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