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Please Go Away, Mr Smith! novel Chapter 25

Tang Tian came back to the room, the atomosphere here now is still high, her sight falls directly on the Lv bag and cellphone besides Sean Smith.

She puts on smiles and comes to sit besides Sean Smith with her waist waving.

Sean Smith’s good-looking, even in the entertainment circel, Tang Tian has never seen such handsome face.

He’s so shining among the crowds. Tang Tian is drawn by him in great way.

Since she and Amber are absent, there’s a vacancy on the side of Sean Smith. He holds a glass with his wrist moving around. The liquid inside turns to be so colourful in the shadow of lights.

After seconds later, he then raises his head and drink the liquid.

He finishes the set of moves smoothly without losing elegance.

Tang Tian darkens her sight, she thinks Sean Smith is in bad mood right now, so she holds him by arms and says to him with sexy smile:”Sean, you seems unhappy, i’ve already gave her a lesson, just forget about her!”

Sean Smith takes disgust look at Tang Tian, he thinks subconsciously that the lesson Tang Tian means was the drink thing, so he don’t think so much and pushes her directly off from him. Suddenly Tang Tian changes her expression on the face.

He then takes a glance at her with a despise look.

These women are all the same, in this world, seems there’s only Manman who shows him her sincere heart.

He closes his eyes slowly, the kind of look which can push away everyone, though Tang Tian feel so wronged right now, she dares not to make a fuss.

After few minutes later, Shen says to Sean Smith something in a very low voice.

“Director White said she needs to go to the bathroom, but it’s been half hour, she’s still not back here, i have to check on her!”

Hearing this, Sean Smith turns his head to see the seat besides him. Amber is not here. No wonder he feels here is so quiet.

Someone sees Sean Smith is now fixing his sight on Amber’s bags, she then instantly holds Shen’s mouth in case she speaks some words that may stir Sean Smith’s nerves.

Feeling Sean Smith’s sight moves to her, she kinds sweats a bit and puts on a stiff smile:”Smith? President Smith, Shen is now so drunk, you see, if there’s nothing needs her to do, i’ll send her home.”

Sean Smith stays silent there with an inexplicable look.

She went to the bathroom for half hour? How is that possible?

She’s so good at faking, everyday she puts on a good mom look, he thought she cares so much about Cindy, but she even rejects to have few drinks. He has never seen such hypocritical woman before.

At the thought of this, he suddenly stands up with furious look.

Amber White, you are indeed something! You not only leave the present early but also leave the bag and phone here as a cover! He’s not that silly.

Sean Smith then takes his coat and walks outside. Seeing this, Tang Tian takes her bag too and follow him behind.

“Sean, wait me!”

Tang Tian follows him all the way down to the parking lot, but he’s not there. All she gets is tons of gases from cars.

On the second day,

Sean Smith comes to work few minutes late, he hears the noise the moment when he enters into the office, Lu Yi rushes into with angor.

“Sean Smith, what did you do to Amber? Why she’s not working here today?”


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