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Please Go Away, Mr Smith! novel Chapter 37

She climbed up from the ground again and patted the door of the bathroom: "Open the door! Let me out! I want to pick up my daughter from school."

    Amber’s tears overflowed from her eyes.

    Because of the reason for attending the celebration banquet yesterday, Amber asked Lu Xiangxiang to help her pick up Cindy from the school.

    She did not expect that she would not be able to get out tonight.

    The kindergarten was out of school at 4:30 in the afternoon. The weather was not cold, but now it was already dark, and it must be more than 7p.m.

    As soon as she thought that Cindy might continue to wait for her at the entrance of the kindergarten, Amber could not breathe.

    The society was sinister, what if Cindy had an accident??

    Amber did not dare to continue to imagine, Cindy was the whole of her life, this moment, her heart's fear came in from the limbs, tearing her heart and lungs, just tortured her.

    "Help! Open the door?? Is there anyone?"

    Amber repeated these sentences, put her sound to the maximum, shouted a few times, but did not get anybody's response.

    Within a day, she didn't drink or eat at all, and Amber’s physical exhaustion was so serious that the body fell to the ground.

    She couldn't find any way to get out from this place. She didn't know how her daughter was, but she was so desperate and painful. Amber couldn't help it anymore, and she was crying desperately!

"Let me out??"


     When Sean finished his business, the sky was already dark. When he was out of the president office, Xu Lin had not left yet.

     His face was a little dignified, and he looked at Sean after hearing Sean was coming.


     Xu Lin’s words were stopped, and Sean took a deep look at him, then he opened his mouth intermittently: “Boss, I can’t contact the Director White.”

     The eyes of Sean flashed a glimmer of fire. "Oh? I asked you to find her for me. And you just tell me that you can't contact her, just one sentence, do you think that you have finished your work?"

     Xu Lin compressed his lips and didn’t dare to speak. Sean said with a cold smile, “No matter what, let Amber White go to the Hai Wan Xiang Xie tonight and take her daughter away!”

     After Sean finished, he walked two steps in the direction of the elevator. He turned back and said to Xu Lin: "After finding her, let her move faster, the Hai Wan Xiang Xie is my home, not a refugee cave!"

     Was Amber White crazy? Didn't she want her daughter? He thought she loved the bastard so much, but it seemed that she was just a tool to attract his attention!

     Xu Lin: "??"

More over, Cindy was also the daughter of Sean. They were family members. What would happen if she stay overnight with him?

    But no matter how he think in his own mind, he dared not say it. He only nodded to him.

    Sean went downstairs. He just drove the car out of the building of the Smith group, and he received the call from Gu Jinyan.

    "Smith, I'm in a bad mood, if you are my brother, just accompany me to have a drink in Ye Se."

    Sean tightened his eyebrows and said, "Gu, are you too stupid? Today is Friday, Ye Se is off work!"

    After a moment of silence from the phone, Gu hung up the call.

    Sean did not call him back. He thought that there was still a little annoying girl in his house, Sean felt that his mood was not better than Gu Jinyan.

    He threw the phone into the co-pilot position and drove back to the Hai Wan Xiang Xie.

    Parking the car in the parking lot of the villa, and Sean walked to the house under starlight and moonlight.


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