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Power of Money novel Chapter 1129

Before dawn.

Four or five o'clock in the morning.

It was the time when the ghost showed its teeth.

Under the leadership of Wu Degui, Jason and others successfully passed through the huge mining area in the cold wind and sneaked into the dispatch room.

The control room was a transparent room with a area of about 30 or 40 square meters and was made of steel.

All four sides were made of glass.

Only the area less than half a meter below was blocked by steel plates, blocking the sight of the outside world.

The four men squatted down to cover their bodies to explore the surrounding environment.

"It's too quiet all the way. Did you guess wrong? The other party didn't hide anyone here at all?"

Wu Degui looked at the thick layer of dust on the control platform and asked in confusion.

Jason also did not speak. Wu Degui was right. They went down from the back mountain and passed through the mining area all the way, but they did not see any traces of anyone, nor any traces of anyone moving.

Time in this place seemed to freeze in the day when the entire mining area was abandoned many years ago.

No one had set foot on it for many years, let alone the figures of the four great ancient clans.

"Hasn't anyone ever used these machines?" Kernel looked around and after confirming that they were safe, he asked in a low voice.

"Yes, no. These are old machines decades ago. With the power of the machine's aging, it takes a long time to start up and warm up. If someone used the machines inside, they wouldn't have been able to drop so quickly even if they had cooled them down. Also, look at the ashes on these operation lever. No one has touched them for at least five or six years, not to mention that someone has actually used them recently."

Wu Degui affirmed.

Hearing this, everyone's hearts sank. They had to try their best to get rid of everyone's eyes and come here.

However, if the other party did not move the person here due to the miscalculation before, then things would become very complicated.

"No, that's not right."

At this time, Yu Laowu, who had never spoken on the way, suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked curiously.

"These dusts are uneven."

Yu Laowu stared at the ground and reached out his fingers to pick up a small amount of dust on the ground. He said, "The ashes that fall naturally will be thin and light after falling on the ground. Once you step on them, there will be dust and smoke, leaving clear footprints. Look at these dust. Although there is no trace on it, the dust is scattered evenly. And we have just entered the door and haven't smelled any smell of dust... This control room has been disguised. Let's go quickly!"


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