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Power of Money novel Chapter 1196

"Let's do it!"

Meanwhile, in a residential room near the hospital, the watchers had always been highly concerned about the situation around the hospital. After discovering a large number of unknown personnel moving around the hospital, they gave orders in a low voice.

"Let's go!"

Led by Victor and Kernel, Hansen and Kernel, they sneaked into the special hospital from the two bread cups and led the Huntsman's team to sneak into the special hospital.

"Kernel, lead your men to attack the main door and attract the enemy's firepower!"

"Yes sir!"

"Hansen took some people into the courtyard from the east side of the wall to get rid of the fighting capacity in the courtyard and then control the crowd!"

"Yes sir!"

"I'll take some people in from the back of the hospital's main building to support Jason!"

The three task squads set off according to instructions.

Lin Zhihai and Diego, who led the firing squad, came to the front door. They hid behind the buildings, aimed the wooden storage at the guards at the entrance of the hospital, and pulled the triggers crazily!

"Enemies are attacking the front gate!"

With a loud shout, the guards scattered on both sides quickly gathered at the gate in an attempt to provide support.

"Inform the teams that have been placed outside to immediately deal with the firepower at the front gate. Don't let the gate fall!"

The commander ordered.

All the cars around the special hospital had been emptied a week ago.

There were no residents here. There were only the guards placed by the Gu clan in each of the houses.

A large force began to encircle and suppress Kernel and the others at the main entrance.

Hansen took advantage of this opportunity to lead Haward and Conald to the east side of the courtyard wall quickly. At the same time, he turned on the walkie-talkie and said, "Eagle Eye, be ready to kill the enemy's head and support Kernel!"

"Yes sir!"

The three men hid sideways behind the wall and took a deep breath. Facing the three-meter-high wall, they jumped to the top of the wall only because of Donald's deep wrist strength. Then they pulled Conald up the wall with their backhands, and the smoke bombs that had been thrown into the wall had spread out one by one.

The whole yard was filled with white mist.

Except for the violent coughing, no one could be seen!

"Go! Get rid of the so-called guards and control the crowd!"

With Hansen's order, the three men put on masks and jumped off the courtyard wall. After rushing into the courtyard, they grabbed the shining military thorns in their palms and rushed into the crowd like evil ghosts!


A man who almost rushed to Hansen's face suddenly fell down and his forehead was bleeding.



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