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Power of Money novel Chapter 1286

Originally, according to Jason's temper, he intended to go directly to the Wei family's ancestral tomb to bring Emily out.

However, Wei Zipei strongly disagreed. After all, the ancestral tomb was a sacred place of the Wei Family. Outsiders were not allowed to violate it, not even Jason.

Moreover, she also gave Jason one reason, which was that Jason went there alone, and he was no match for the Mausoleum Guard. After all, the person who had fought with him on the ring before was just an insignificant loser who had been eliminated. Each of those people in the ancestral grave could be on a par with Jason, not to mention that they had an absolute advantage in numbers.

Jason didn't care about it until he had a simple fight with Wei Zipei.

"Eat the food!"

In Wei Xiaohan's residence, there was a table full of steaming dishes.

Wei Xiaohan, Luo Fu, Wei Zipei, and Jason surrounded the table.

Wei Ziqian had never appeared in public ever since he left the ancestral land. Furthermore, Luo Fu had also ordered Wei Zilong to make a personal trip to Wei Village, settle down Sylvia and the others, and not allow the two of them to enter the city.

"I know that you are in a hurry to go to the ancestral tomb to save your friends, but the situation forced you to do so. You can't go in right now."

Wei Xiaohan took a sip of wine and said with a slight sigh.

He had not expected that the situation in the Royal Guard would turn out to be like this.

In the ancestral grounds, the Wei clan head had actually allowed all of the Wei clan members to judge Jason without any limit. This was something that had never been seen before in the history of the Wei clan.

What did this mean? It meant that the Wei family's patriarch had already made his stance clear that Wei Cheng did not welcome Jason. He was asking Jason to leave immediately!

Why was that so?

Wei Xiaohan had lived his entire life, but he still hadn't figured it out.

"The situation of the defense city may not be as simple as you think. The real power of establishing the organization is all in the hands of the elders group. If I am not wrong, although these elders groups seem to have no real power, in fact, they are the descendants of the elders, and they are everywhere in the key positions of the entire defense city, right?"

Jason laughed and drank up the wine in the glass.

"I just don't understand why they did this."

Wei Xiaohan shook his head, a bitter smile on his face. "If I simply didn't want you to take the Blessed Lady away, then since Spacewind said that this wasn't in accordance with the rules of the Wei clan, I would've driven you out. Why did I have to promise you that I wouldn't be defeated in a hundred battles, and then release her? Now that no one is your match, and that she left on the spot, and let the Wei clan judge you as they please? What are they trying to do? I don't understand."

In the eyes of the vast majority of people living in the city, the city was a place that was isolated from the rest of the world.


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