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Power of Money novel Chapter 347

" ust William, but you're a lot more promising than me."

Facing the cold eyes in the iron fence, Jason began to laugh.

"The Gui family."

While laughing, these words suddenly popped out of Jason's mouth, which made William's cold eyes even more resentful.

"Nine years ago, the Shen family entered the F country's market and beat the last lifesaving straw of the aristocratic families who had stood in the F country for hundreds of years to the ground. After losing the last pillar of profit from the pharmaceutical company, the family of Gui was rapidly declining. From the great nobles who used to rule the French Empire to the defeated family who could only rely on selling ancestral property to maintain luxury livelihood now, this must be a bad feeling, right?"

In the face of William's hateful eyes, Jason smiled and said, "Let me guess. Why did the noble family members of the Gui family marry a Chinese woman and give birth to you two mixed-blood?"

"First of all, it's definitely not because of money."

"After all, before our Shen family entered the French, our annual income is more than a billion yuan. Although it can't be compared with your family's peak, it is enough to maintain your extravagant daily expenses. Apart from the right to do whatever you want, this is no different from your life hundreds of years ago in essence."

"But why did your father, Atejus, abandon such glorious family name and treatment, be removed from the family, and go out with that Chinese woman even if he's clean?"

"There's only one reason. That's this woman. She's richer than the G Gui family."

Jason turned on his mobile phone. On the screen was a photo of a woman in her fifties.

"Snowy, Chinese, once a sensitive woman. After her husband got into trouble, she fled to French with all her money. With the help of your father, she got the nationality of French and completely cut off the idea of transporting abroad in China. So she lived a carefree life."

"Of course, the price is to give your father, which is close to half of the assets of the whole Gui family."

"Originally, this money is enough for your family to live a wealthy life for a few lifetimes. Unfortunately, the Gui family can't tolerate the traitors in the family. After leaving the family, they lived better than them. So they used some means to make your family's assets public and let your family wander on the streets. They even lived a life worse than beggars."

"And at that time, you and your brother? You are still a brother. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Just take it as a brother. You are twins. You were born on the ground just now. Although the rest of the life is hard, fortunately, Ate William is more promising. After graduation, you entered the international brand family headquarters and served as a big customer assistant."

"The salary is very high and the treatment is very good. It is no problem to support your family. However, in order to avoid the recurrence of the previous tragedy, your parents decided to make a clear relationship with him. Abel William was his name changed later, and his previous name seemed to be... Aldridge? Well, yes, that's your current name."

"It can also be said that you are using your brother's name now."

"After all, when you gave birth to your brother, Bai Xue and his wife only announced that they had given birth to one. After all, they had to leave a way out for themselves. Therefore, this eldest brother, who seems to have nothing to do with your family, has been working in the family headquarters to earn money to support your family. And you just do nothing all day, enjoy the pocket money that my brother calls on time every month, and live a comfortable life."

"Until one day, your brother was in a car accident because of some things, such as poor health, which I don't know. Anyway, on that day, you replaced your brother and went to the family customer service department to help him work for a day. I met the biggest consumer customer at that time, Christy."

"Well... I don't know how is your brother's relationship with her before. Maybe you are born with a lot of temptation to women. This is also your capital. In just one day, Christy has been absent- minded to you and completely changed the original pure relationship. You need her personal number, or you should say, you have provided her with your personal number."

Jason said, squatting next to the iron fence, staring at William inside with a smile: "The next thing becomes simple. You have established an underground lover relationship with her, and you have long enjoyed the material and financial services she brought., You could be together until you met the daughter of the Hebrew consul..."


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