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Power of Money novel Chapter 660

At this moment, Dan was clustered in the center of the hall like a myriad of stars clustered around the moon.

Among them, there were the owners of each of the four families who had just attended tonight's banquet.

All of them were influential figures within and without the family. They were all influential figures who could command the wind and rain.

However, in front of Dan at this moment, the vice president of the Ma's Guild in Gavila, one of the world's four top- end clubs, all showed a humble gesture. When he talked to Dan, his upper body was slightly bent, and his eyes were always lowered from Dan's eyes. His posture was respectful but not flattering, and his grasp of the distance was just right.

"Mr. Zhao, I heard that in the members of Ma Hannah, only two of the three world's CPPCC groups have directors, and one is not qualified to join the group because of insufficient qualifications. Is that true?"

Su Xiuwen, the head branch of the Su family, finally found a chance to talk to Dan. He immediately stepped forward and picked up his wine glass, pretending to be casual and asked with a smile.

"Haha, there are many members of the Ma's Club, and they are the top figures in all the major industries of the world. Although Adolph has submitted several applications to us to join the club, considering that several cargo ships in Fidelity Marine Group has been hijacked on the sea in recent years, we lost a lot of money. So we refused his request and let him concentrate on the business of the group. It won't be too late to submit the application after it's stabilized..."

Dan said with a smile.

He said in a light tone.

But the others heard his words very clearly. "You, Adolph, are incapable of shipping, and you can't even deal with the internal affairs of the group well. Don't mess up our business."

However, only Shugo's face changed a few times after hearing this, the information he received completely different from the others.

The Su family was established in Southeast Asia. They owned their own business and industries all over the world. The annual income fee of the family was large, supporting the expenses of all their people.

The Su family had managed to get their business to this point entirely because of Zhanli's, Yke's, and Thrush's, the three ports among the 10 ports in China. They understood very well how important shipping was to trade. It not only determined the supply and transaction of goods, but it also determined the group's wealth and the continuous flow of goods. If trade with the Su family was comparable to that of a human body, then the shipping would be like the blood vessels in one's body, and there was no doubt how important the blood vessels were to the human body.

As for Adolph Martin, which Dan mentioned, it was the president of the Fidelity Marine Group, which was ranked third in the world's three major companies.

He was in charge of more than a quarter of the sealine in the whole world.

He had great strength.

But why could a person on the island join the Ma's Club? The president of the top 200 groups in the world had been rejected several times in a row.

It was all because of the Maersk Group and the Mediterranean Shipping Group above him. The two groups were almost evenly divided into three- quarters of the whole world's exploitation line, and they also participated in most of the world's Mji mining with X-ray. Their strength was remarkable.

What's more, there was one thing in common between these two groups, that was, their president was all members of the Landmine in Gavila.

This was equivalent to the fact that the two groups belonged to the same community.

And this circle was the Ma Huishe.

At the same time, it was clear that he wanted to figure out why the Horse Society refused to accept the offer of Adolf Martin.

I just don't want to take you out to play.

They even ostracized you, so that you were isolated from the shipping industry. In the current turnover of trade, any group was isolated by its peers, and there was only one result, which was slow death, and then resources would be carved up by two big shipping groups, so as to achieve a unity of capital.

However, if the Su family could join the Ma's club and become friends with the president of two major companies under Dan's leadership and even stand on the same front as them, the help to the business of the Su family would be immeasurable.

"What Mr. Zhao said is right. I also heard that the goods of the Fidelity Marine Group have encountered more than one or two problems in recent years. For any shipping group, the loss of the goods is not only the group's business, but also the loss of the owner of the goods. If things go on like this, the Fidelity Marine Group will definitely lose its trust in the capital and eventually be abandoned by the capital, disappearing in the long river of history."

After hesitating for a while, Su Xiu said with a smile.


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