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Power of Money novel Chapter 729

"How's the situation now?"

Jason wiped his sweat with a towel as he walked into the room.

"According to your orders, the Su Family, Bai Family, and Jiang Family have secretly directed all contradictions to Jin Family. Bai Family even announced to its members that they are not allowed to participate in any affairs related to the Four Greatest Ancient Family from now on. You should know that Bai Family and Jin Family have just signed a strategic contract for the future development of the next five years last month. Once this news is announced today, it is no doubt that the contract is directly canceled and the imminent cooperation between Jin Family and Jin Family is about to be terminated."

"The Bai family is really ambitious. In one hand, they allied themselves with the Yun family. In the other hand, they cooperate with the Jin family in strategy. What do they want?"

Jason shook his head speechlessly and asked, "What did the Su clan say?"

"The Su family did not say anything, but

from Su's reaction, it seems that he is extremely dissatisfied with the Jin family's way of handling things. Even if they can't break the contract like the Bai family, it is bound to worsen the relationship between the two families. After all, the Su family is the richest family among the four families in Capital City. If they become enemies with the Su family, it means that the Jin family will lose a lot of opportunities to make money in the future," Lara said.

"En, I believe that with Su's nature, he won't give up just like that. However, it's about time for Kong Xin's 85th birthday, so he needs to think for his four children. He won't casually cause trouble and stir up trouble for himself..." Jason said indifferently.

"Four kids?" For a moment, Lara was stunned. "What do you mean?"

"It's okay. I'll visit Dan more in the next two days, and then I'll sign the remaining one percent contract of the Jin Family tomorrow afternoon. There are a total of thirty percent. I'll give them all to the Jin Family and go directly to Dan to do it." Jason shook his head. He forgot about the matter about the Su Family and did not tell the public. Many people did not know that his four sons and daughters were kidnapped by the Kong Family.

"Will you give me more?"Lara asked hesitantly. She did not want to give the Jin Family so many share contracts for the time being. She knew her family members very well, and it was their best choice to ask for more.

"Okay, let's continue. It's 30%. The profits we won't have in the future." Jason said with a smile.

"Then do we still need to inform the other families?" In order to stir up a dispute between the four great families, Jason carefully arranged all of this, and it was all carried out by Lara.

"Don't bother. Just go to sign the contract on behalf of the Jin Family. Be discreet when you go there and don't be discovered by others. Leave the rest to Dan. Kong Xin will be celebrating his birthday in two days. But Capital City is not lively at all. I have no choice but to do this kind of rough work with me. It's also a gift for Rhett Ko in advance."

Jason said with a smile and hung up the phone.

And at this moment, there was another person standing by his side.

A man in his fifties.

The man looked resolute, dark-skinned, and rough. He was dressed in a white suit and wore a pair of playboy's white brown leather shoes. Although he seemed to be indecent, he did not look incongruous on this man.


It was the second figure of the Kong Family.

After the two of them broke up in Putian City, they went straight to the Kong Family and didn't contact Jason.

The reason why he suddenly appeared in the Nine Provinces Peak Cauldron today was that he brought several very important people to Jason.

"Su Yun, Su Yuyan, and Su Che. I brought three people here. Rhett specifically ordered Su Qin to be locked up by Kong Shu-er. I can't bring any of them with me. These three people can be handed over, but they can’t appear in the outside world for a short period of time. They can't be seen by the Su family either. This is a meeting gift from me. It's time to bring out my sincerity."

Galen looked at Jason and said flatly.

Behind him were three disciples of the Su Family who had been kidnapped by the Kong Family. They were Su Yun, Su Yuyan, and Su Che. The two men and one woman were Su Ru's own children. They had been kidnapped by the Kong Family half a month ago. Galen had brought them here in the name of transferring to a safe place. He had personally handed them over to Jason to fulfill the promise he had made on the phone.

Jason looked at the three disciples of the Su family, who were standing behind Galen and trembling with fear. They were younger than him and should be either in middle or high school. They were pretty and had good looks, but all of them huddled up in the corner, looking frightened.

"Am I very scary?"

Looking at these disciples of the Sus who were about the same age as him, Jason smiled helplessly.

He had not graduated from college yet. It was not good for these junior brothers and sisters to have the feeling of being a devil on the spot.

"No, no one..."

It was a girl with a ponytail who spoke. She looked to be in her second year of high school, with a good-looking face and a good figure. She was still wearing the school uniform of a middle school in Capital City. She must have been taken away by the Kong Family in the course of school and had been locked up in jail until now.

"Alas, when I was in high school, this kind of girl was simply the top goddess in school, but now she regarded me as a beast."


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