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Power of Money novel Chapter 797

"So we'd better meet up with the Su family as soon as possible. Maybe we can find some anti- inflammatory drugs to stop Miss Hong's injury as soon as possible." Jason said.

Upon hearing this, Gu Zhihai nodded and did not hesitate anymore. He began to water and towels to physically cool down the unconscious Kong Xin in an attempt to wake him up as soon as possible.

"If you want to find the Su Family, you need to pass through the entire garden area. Are you sure you want to do this?" The red dragon's consciousness was still relatively clear. After hearing Jason's words, it couldn't help but ask.

"Is there a problem?" Jason asked suspiciously.

"When I went to the kitchen to get water just now, I had observed the internal situation of the Polygon Pavilion. Other than a small number of people who had escaped and were not caught, Kong Buyu had basically controlled the internal situation of the Polygon Pavilion. Now the Garden Area is full of people patrolling everywhere. I tried my

best to escape their investigation and stole the water from the kitchen, but I was still discovered by them. I almost lost this arm, so I could come back smoothly."

The words of the red dragon were much more than Jason had imagined.

Perhaps it was about Kong Xin's life. She needed to tell him every detail in order to ensure that Kong Xin could leave here safely and then return to her previous life.

"Do you remember the exact location of security forces?" Jason asked, "The most important part is the road from here to the distribution room. I haven't heard gunshots for a long time. I don't know if Su Jian and the others can hold it up. If the distribution room is lost, then we are really isolated here."

"Kong Buyu does not dare to touch Su Rushi..."

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Jason suddenly turned around. He saw Kong Xin, who was bare- chested and had water stains on his skinny body. As soon as he woke up, he struggled to lift his body and said to Jason.

"Third Lord!"

Seeing Kong Xin wake up, the red dragon immediately walked up and squatted down to help him up from the ground.

"Third Lord, you're alright now."

The red dragon probed Kong Xin's face, only to find that there was nothing unusual except the weakness of his waking up from the coma.

"Well, I'm fine."

Kong Xin nodded, but his eyes were fixed on Jason.


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