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Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies novel Chapter 1077

Chapter 1077

Anne was still his granddaughter by blood, and they could be closer.

Whenever Cory thought of Anne, he would be reminded of Nigel, his eldest son, who did not care for him at all, and would often be overwhelmed by sorrow.

Tina watched as the car drove away and said to the maid beside her, “Did you hear

him? Elder Lloyd likes this child and asked me to take care of it! Now! you should know who’s going to be the future Mrs. Lloyd in this mansion, right? There can’t be two mistresses here in one house, so you should know what to do next.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Ashlynn finished watching a movie and started to feel hungry. She turned to check. the time and realized that it was almost noon.

‘Why hasn’t anyone sent me lunch? Did they forget about it?‘ she wondered.

Ashlynn glanced at her dog and got out of bed to carry it into the washroom before placing it on the toilet.

“Relieve yourself here. I can’t take you out right now.”

Her dog struggled to position itself on top of the toilet and relieved itself.

After it was done, she set it down on the ground and let it roam around the room freely, but lunch was still yet to be delivered.

She hopped her way to the door and spotted a maid walking over. “Is it lunchtime yet? I’m a bit hungry.”

“Just wait!” the maid said rudely before leaving.

‘Did I do something wrong to that maid?‘ she thought.

Half an hour passed before lunch was finally delivered, and the maid left as soon as she set the food down by the bed.

Ashlynn glanced at the tray and noticed that there was not a piece of meat in sight, and it was mostly plain pasta.

The feast she had been served since she arrived in the mansion seemed to have


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