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Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies novel Chapter 1146

Chapter 1146

“Why are you asking so many questions? Just keep observing them.”

After hanging up the phone, Mia had a displeased expression on his face. “When I become Mrs. Marwood in the future, let’s see if you dare boss me around.”

While Anne was working in the office, there was a knock on the door.

It was Leonora who came in. “Ms. Vallois, I brought some snacks. Would you like some?”

Anne raised her eyes and looked over. Juice, snacks, cakes, and various nuts were all her favorite snacks.

It was obvious that the cakes and pastries were not from the office.

“You made these?” Anne asked.

“No, it was sent by the people from the Royal Mansion. Mr. Marwood is so kind to you! When he brought it here, the people at the front desk were all envious,” Leonora


Anne withdrew her gaze and continued to look at the computer in front of her.

Seeing that she did not respond, Leonora did not know how to react. She was a little embarrassed and left the office automatically.

Anne looked at the afternoon snacks on the coffee table again.

She knew this was Anthony’s order, but now she dared not even return to the Royal


It seemed that Anthony was a scourge that would make her life worse than death.

Last night, regardless of her body still recovering, he used her so forcefully.

Now he brought her snacks. What did he mean by this?

To him, was last night just normal married life?

How could this be normal…?

Just when she was in a daze, the phone ringing on the table made her tremble in fright.

When she saw that it was Anthony who was calling, she stood up abruptly.

It was like a stress response to the extreme fear of this man.

Anne did not dare to use work as an excuse not to answer the phone. She squeezed her hands nervously and answered, “Hello?”

“Are you eating?” Anthony’s deep voice came.


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