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Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies novel Chapter 1233

Chapter 1233

“It is of no consequence what others may think,” Corentin declared, implying that the only opinion that mattered was Anthony’s.

Ashlynn, unable to remain prone any longer, sat up and queried, “Who is the other man?”

“Tommy,” Corentin replied.

Ashlynn gasped in shock. “Isn’t that his cousin? How scandalous!”

Corentin firmly grasped her waist and pulled her back down onto his sturdy chest, stating, “This is a situation we cannot control.”

Ashlynn disputed, “Do you simply intend to stand by and watch as they continue to do this?”

“Yes,” Corentin confirmed without hesitation.

Ashlynn’s heart sank at his cold, unfèeling response.

Of course, this was Corentin she was talking about. He could do anything to anyone, so it was no surprise he would do this to his niece.

Corentin was a monster devoid of empathy.

Ashlynn, with a glimmer of hope, inquired, “Can the company still be returned to Anne’s ownership if it is simply being acquired? It must be possible as long as the company remains, right?”

“The company is now in Anthony’s possession. It has been dismantled and can only become a subsidiary of the Archduke Group. He has made up his mind not to allow Anne to regain control,” Corentin informed her.

Ashlynn was stunned, the reality far worse than she had feared.

“You already knew about this,” she accused icily.

Corentin countered, “There is nothing anyone can do about it. Now go to bed. It is beneficial for the child’s development if the mother has a good night’s sleep.”

Ashlynn was forced to lie in his arms, but sleep eluded her mind.

She was not concerned that Corentin might try to touch her or anything like that.

Since finding out she was pregnant, Corentin had not shown her any physical affection.

Ashlynn was aware of his discomfort, but she refused to sympathize with him. Instead, she wanted to say he deserved it.

“Stop contacting Jeremy in the future,” Corentin suddenly spoke in a threatening tone.


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